Chapter 22 - Bored

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I didn't want to risk running into Brooke so instead of going to the hospital wing to check on Jackie, I just decided to head back to my room. As I walked through the halls, I passed many more students than I thought I would. There were so many new faces and I almost felt sick knowing they all knew I was an empath. 

Normally that wouldn't have bothered me but it was all the side glances and whispers. I caught fleeting feelings of weariness and doubt from multiple people I passed. I overheard one Gryffindor say 'of course she's a Slytherin'. I felt like crawling into a hole. I wasn't the new girl from America anymore. I was the empathetic Slytherin that could hack into your emotions and know your dirty little secrets. 

Of course I tried to ignore peoples emotions but picking them up was inevitable. Of course I could tell that the Hufflepuff to my left had a raging crush on the girl next to him or that the Ravenclaw across the room was exhausted, probably from a late night of either studying or talking with friends. Just because I could do it didn't mean I liked doing it. 

Picking up emotions from a distance was nowhere near as strong as touching somebody and picking that up. I made sure to avoid contact with anybody I passed in the halls because I didn't even want to risk the chance of getting overwhelmed. I hurried down the empty hall and whispered pureblood to make the passageway open. The word felt awkward and clunky in my mouth.

I waltzed into the common room where several Slytherins I had never met were sat around the fireplace, conversing about something I probably had no interest in.

"Hey empath." A boy called out from the circle. I hesitantly turned towards them and attempted to smile.

"It's y/n." I took a couple steps towards them. "Who are you guys?" I looked at each of them and noticed only two of them were girls. They all felt so menacing.

"Well y/n, we saw you on that broom earlier. I'm Marcus Flint." He gave me a twisted smile. "Are you planning on running for quidditch team captain next year?" He made my chest tighten with unease. I told myself to relax; I needed to fit in with this crowd if I wanted to convince them I was good enough to be on the team.

"I've been thinking about it." I walked over to the couch next to them and lightly placed my hand down. "Is that your position?" I smirked at him. An unsettling wave of attraction rushed through him and I was almost ready to turn back and run into my room. I resisted that feeling and made myself stay. 

"It is." He stood and then referenced down at the others. "These are a few members of the team along with some important other Slytherins." I looked at each of them and they all were feeling slightly amused.

"Who is the worst player?" I sat down on the couch's arm and tried to look cocky.

"If I had to give somebody up I'd say Graham Montague." A boy to his left stood.

"Marcus I work just as hard as you-" Marcus turned and pushed the boy back down in his chair.

"If you knew what was good for the team you'd shut up." Marcus whispered before turning back to me. "He's a chaser." Marcus walked around the group and towards me.

"Interesting." I said as I stood up. "I better get to my room but I will see you all at dinner?" They all nodded and resumed chatting quietly except for Marcus. He stood a foot away from me.

"Maybe we can have a private practice together? Show you how we play?" The wave of attraction hit me again and I almost turned away once more.

"I've already got somebody showing me the ropes but thanks for the offer." I smirked at him before turning and jogging down the hall. Once I knew they couldn't see me, I broke into a run, only stopping when I reached my room door. I pushed it open and fell onto the bed. 

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