Chapter 3 - Plane Ride

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Leaving my house behind us in the dust as the taxi drove us to the airport was probably the worst feeling in the whole world. It took everything I had to not jump out of the car and sprint to Alexa's house. 

"y/n." I felt my mom poke my side. "Aren't you excited we are going to be staying with your cousins?" She sometimes was so enthusiastic. Right now all I wanted to do was zone out and maybe take a nap.

"Aren't they all like three?" I folded my arms and pressed my forehead against the window.

"Well Marie is 3, Jackson is 8, and, Brooke is 14, your age. They are your third cousins in case you were wondering." She smiled at me before looking out the other window. "Your second cousin once removed is who we are staying with. But I personally think it's much easier to call her Auntie Jen." My mom kept looking out the window.

"Is dad already there?" I looked at the empty seat next to me. 

"Yeah he had to leave early. There's a lot going on in our world at the moment. Trust me he wanted to be here but he just couldn't." We were silent for the rest of the car ride. Everything i wanted to ask, I couldn't say in front of the cab driver. My parents taught me from a very young age that we have to be careful with what we say in front of no-majs since they would probably go crazy if they found out wizards existed.

As soon as we got to the airport, my mother and I rushed out of the cab and hurried to our plane that was planning to take off soon. I knew it would've been easier to just use magic. We were able to make it through TSA, after many questions of what our wands were. We obviously lied and said they were antique family heirlooms that needed to be transported back to England. Just like the no-majs they are, they believed us.

Luckily we rushed onto the plane just as they were starting to close up. It was just like my mom to always be rushing everywhere. there was rarely a day when we weren't hurrying to the place we needed to go to.

Once we were finally able to get on the plane, my mom ended several seats in front of me. I was currently stuck next to an older looking woman. She did let me sit in the window seat which I thought was pretty cool. Lifting off was probably the worst part but afterwards everything was fine. I ended up taking multiple naps and between each nap, I would stare out the window, imagining what Darius was doing about now. His parents were constantly using magic in their home to do almost everything. It was crazy how much I missed being at my friends house. They made everything so much more fun. 

After my fourth nap a voice rang over the intercom saying we were set for landing soon. 

Maybe being in Europe wouldn't be so bad. I have always wanted to see what other countries looked like. Plus I would be going to the school that Harry Potter went to. I hadn't heard much about him besides the fact that he survived a dark curse, which in my book is pretty cool. 

I knew the basics about Hogwarts since my parents have talked about me going there nonstop since they got hired at the Ministry. They had four houses just like Ilvermorny but I honestly wasn't sure which house I would get sorted into. My family was pureblood as far back as our family tree goes. My parents told me that my blood status put me in a good position to be put into Slytherin. I personally thought I might get put into Gryffindor since Thunderbird's traits fell along the same lines as Gryffindor. There was something about Slytherin thought that interested me. 

But that would all have to wait. Before I could even think about getting sorted, I needed to go get all of my new school supplies. My parents had told me that I was going to have to go to the school early since they had to get to work as soon as possible. I was actually kind of glad I got to go before the break ended because that meant I could get to know the castle. 

The plane started to descend and I felt my stomach do flips. It felt so weird to travel by plane. I was so used to traveling by magic and getting to my destination instantly. I felt the plane touch down and my stomach started to calm down. The stewardess told us we could start to leave and started to stand when I heard a faint snap. I felt the urge to bend over and throw up but I managed to keep myself from puking. I looked down at the ground and saw that the older lady who had been sitting next to me had put her large looking bag on my smaller one. The smaller bag that had my wand in it.

My heart sunk. I bent over and ripped my bag out from under hers and torn open the bag only to find my wand in two pieces. My parents were going to kill me. I pulled out my wand and sunk back in the seat the older lady had glanced in my direction and she stifled a laugh.

"Don't worry dear. There are plenty of sticks everywhere." She continued to chuckle as she walked off the plane. I restrained myself as I felt the urge to come up with some sort of curse to cast upon her. It wasn't like I could cast a spell anyways. She had broken the one thing that reminded me of home. I tossed the broken pieces back in my bag and wandered off the plane. My mom had been waiting for me outside of the terminal. Once she caught sight of how depressed I looked she shook her head at me.

"y/n, this really is for the better. You are going to love it here." She pulled me into a hug.

"The lady next to me broke my wand." I whispered into her ear. She quickly let go of me and looked down at me.

"How?" I could tell she was really upset.

"She put her really heavy bag down on mine. I didn't even have a chance to tell her not to since she did it so quickly. I'm really sorry mom." I folded my arms and kept my eyes on the ground. My mom took a long deep breath.

"Don't worry. There are lots of wand shops out here. I'm sure we can get you a new one." She patted my cheek. "We can keep the pieces. When we find a place out here I'm sure your father will have no problem with putting that artifact on display." She attempted a smile but I could tell she was just as upset as I was. 

"Can we just head to Auntie Jen's or whatever her name was?" I started walking away from her. I felt her strong hand grab onto my shoulder and spin me towards her.

"You can't just walk off here. You need to stick with me." She grabbed my hand and we both started walking towards the exit. 

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