Day One

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All of my stuff fit into one suitcase. I only had two changes of clothes, a picture of my family, a pocket watch, and a few other personal possessions. It wasn't like I would be staying with Gears and Steam forever, just a month or so...maybe less.

I hefted my suitcase up and walked out of my house, closing and locking the door behind me. Gears and Steam's house was about a ten minute walk from my home. They had been so close to me this entire time, and yet I had never met them. It was weird how the world worked out like that.

My pace slowed as I reached the large house with peeling green paint. The sight of the house was actually rather foreboding when I paid attention to it. I noticed a sign that said, "Gears and Steam Wind-up Toys," next to the door. I took a deep breath before banging the bronze door knocker against the wood. It swung open to reveal Freddie on the other side, smiling widely. Her red hair was tied back into a neat bun, exactly as it was yesterday. Her green eyes shown with excitement.

I did my best to grin back at her. "Hello," I greeted.

"You came!" Freddie cheered.

"Yes...why wouldn't I?"

"Some people leave after they meet Edmund," she explained. "Anyway, come inside, I'll show you where your room is." Freddie turned on her heel and charged into the house with me right behind her. The entrance led into a room that must have taken up the other half of the downstairs. Theo was leaning behind a counter in the back. He grinned at me as we entered. The room was filled with shelf upon shelf of small toys in all different sizes and shapes.

"Wow," I breathed, looking around the room.

"Pretty cool, right?" Freddie said, her emerald eyes sparking. "Edmund builds them all, and Theo and I sell them. It helps make us enough money to buy food and stuff."

"Speaking of our positively lovely mechanic, have you seen him today?" Theo asked.

"Well...technically, yeah but that was at four in the morning. I haven't seen him since then. He's probably still asleep," Freddie responded.

Theo shook his head. "It's not like him to sleep late, even if he was up all night."

Freddie shrugged. "Who knows? Come on, Jules, the rooms are upstairs."

Upstairs had a kitchen, a living room, bathroom, and four bedrooms. The stairs led into the living room, the kitchen was off to my left and to the right was a hallway with all the bedrooms, two on each side. Three of the bedrooms were labeled with names. The empty bedroom that Freddie stopped in front of was next to Edmund's.

"Welcome to your new home!" Freddie chimed, pushing open the door.

The room held a small bed with a blanket and pillow and a desk against the back corner. The blanket and desk were the same muted green color as the house. There was a single window with green curtains that let light into the room, and an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling. It was small but nice. I would be perfectly fine staying here for a month.

I noticed a strange contraption connected to the curtains that was connected to a clock on the wall. I had no idea what it was but I didn't think to ask.

"Okay, put your stuff on the bed or something. Your first task as the newest official member of Gears and Steam is to find Edmund. He's probably just in the workshop," Freddie said.

I placed my suitcase on the bed and walked back down to the bottom level of the house. Theo was helping some customer in the store. I walked past him, waving as I passed. Theo smiled at me, then went back to helping the customer.

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