The Start of the Trip

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Jules wrapped his arms around my stomach from behind and kissed my cheek. "You all packed?"

"I would be, if you didn't keep doing that every five seconds," I grumbled, pushing Jules away. I didn't mind the affection, but it could wait for a time when I wasn't trying to pack the suitcase Jules had let me borrow. I didn't have that much stuff to begin with, but Jules was distracting. He was in a really lovey-dovey mood, meaning I was showered with hugs and kisses. Again, I didn't really mind, but we had to retreat into my room because Freddie and Theo still got weirded out by us.

"But I love you too much to wait," Jules whined, persistently wrapping his arms around me again.

"Didn't you say we'll have plenty of time alone on the trip?" I groaned.

"We will, but that requires waiting." He rested his chin on my shoulder and hummed contentedly.

"We're going to miss the trip if you don't let me pack!" I pushed Jules away again, laughing at the hurt puppy dog face he made. Jules plopped down on my bed, sulking while I threw a few more things in my suitcase. I didn't need much for the two weeks we'd be away, but Jules wasn't letting me get anything done, which meant I had been packing for about an hour now.

"Okay, I'm done," I sighed, slamming the suitcase shut and collapsing on my bed next to Jules. I laid on my back with my arms folded over my chest.

Jules laid back next to me, his hand wrapping around mine. "Can I have a kiss now?"

"We have to leave in like five minutes."

"I still want a kiss."

I shook my head, deciding to tease him. "No kiss for you, you're too annoying."

Jules gasped, feigning offence. "But I'm taking you on a much needed vacation, and lending you my suitcase."

"Hmm, fine." I leapt forward and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Nooooo," Jules whined. "That was too small."

"No more, we have to leave."

"You're so mean," Jules pouted. "Why do I love you again?"

"I have no idea, Julian, but you went through a hell of a lot to get me back," I mumbled.

"That's because I can't live without you." Jules leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I figured that out pretty quickly."


Phoebe's eyes didn't leave me from the moment Jules and I arrived at the Vincent household. To be honest, I hid behind Jules. Something about his little sister just freaked me out. Maybe it was the mischievous gleam in her dark blue eyes, or maybe it was the fact that I knew she got Jules to climb a tree just to watch him fall. She was twisted, in some odd way. No exactly evil, just twisted.

"Hello, Edmund," Phoebe said sweetly, flashing her bright white teeth. She was dressed once again in a dazzling white gown that flowed with her as she moved. Her black hair fell in tight ringlet curls down her back, and the front of it was pinned up with a crystal butterfly clip. She was beautiful. Very beautiful. But I preferred Jules. She was a devil disguised and an angel.

"H-Hello, Phoebe," I managed, resisting the urge to grab Jules's arm.

"Aw, he's nervous," Phoebe cooed, stepping closer to me. "Glad you could join us again."

"Phoebe, darling, you're scaring the boy," Ada said, grinning at me. "Good to see you again, Edmund."

"Same to you, Ada," I returned politely.

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