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Floyd was gone for a really long time. I didn't like that, mostly because he left me with Charlie. Charlie was tall, much taller than me, with a permanent mean look in his dark brown eyes. He seemed to hate me simply for existing. It seemed that a lot of people hated me simply for existing.

So far, Charlie had knocked me to the ground, kicked me in the shin, and 'accidentally' smashed my hand with a piece of scrap metal. I wanted to separate myself from him, but Floyd had told me to stand with him while he talked to Luther. I wasn't about to disobey Floyd. I also wanted to go see how Freddie and Theo were doing, but Floyd wouldn't like that either. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them sitting by the track, waiting for the race to start.

I couldn't manage to stop Floyd among the crowd, which made me nervous. I didn't want him to be gone for too long. He was the one that stopped me from getting hurt. I wasn't sure what to do without him here. Being without him made me jittery.

"Hey, weirdo," Charlie said, grabbing my attention. "What're you doing."

"Waiting for Floyd," I mumbled sheepishly, staring down at my scuffed boots.

"What's with you two?" Charlie asked, sitting down on the floor next to me.

I flinched when he came closer. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Floyd's always been mean to everyone, and he still is, but...well, everyone except you. And it's not exactly a secret that you're scared of everyone except him. Why?"

I shrugged. "We have a history."

"Why are you so, you know-" Charlie swung his hand towards me and laughed when I flinched. "-jumpy?"

I hugged my knees to my chest, fiddling with the small braid Floyd had put in my hair. "A lot of people have hurt me in my life."

Something that looked like actual concern crossed Charlie's face. "Why do I feel like Floyd is one of those people?"

I shrugged again. "He is...b-but he's-"

"Better?" Charlie suggested. "Look, weirdo, I don't like you and never will, but you don't have to be scared of me anymore. I won't hurt you; I have a strange feeling that you're going to get enough of that from Floyd."

"Y-you're wrong," I stuttered. "He said he w-wouldn't hurt me a-again. H-he won't. He c-can't!"

"Wow, you really are broken," Charlie commented. "Here's a word of advice: the best of the worst is still not good."

"N-no," I stammered. "Floyd's g-good."

"Whatever you say," Charlie mumbled, leaning back on his hands. "Just so you know, on the off chance that Floyd does hurt you, I'll be here. I may not like you, but I like Floyd even less."

I couldn't think of a response to that. Floyd had hurt me before, but he hadn't been spying on me like Jules. Jules and Floyd had been the only people that I ever loved, and at least Floyd still cared for me. He cared enough to want me back. He cared enough to not flinch when our lips touched or freak out when I expressed my love. Floyd loved me, Jules had just tolerated my affections. Everything Jules said was just a lie; at least Floyd was truthful about his feelings towards me. Floyd wanted me; that was all I could ask for.

"Hey, Eddie," Floyd called, startling me out of my thoughts. He was jogging towards me with a smile stretched across my face. Once he reached Raven Key's alcove, he popped down next to me and pulled me into his lap.

"Where have you been?" I mumbled, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I knew we were in public, but...I couldn't help myself. My body needed the warmth of someone else next to me. The physical contact made me comfortable; I was always on edge otherwise.

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