The Finals

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Going into the Grand Prix finals without Edmund by our side was one of the worst feelings ever. Since the beginning, Freddie, Edmund, and I had been to every single race together; even when Edmund was sick from sitting in the rain. The assistants changed, but the rest of the team remained. Missing one of those people was horrible.

I had a feeling that Edmund would be here today, even if he wasn't coming with us. I didn't want to see him here; not if he was with Floyd. I knew that I couldn't blame Edmund, but it hurt that Floyd was more comfort to him than Freddie and I. Of course, Floyd had twisted Edmund's mind. He knew how to get Edmund to trust him. Freddie and I weren't manipulative, that was why Edmund wasn't with us anymore.

Our alcove seemed too silent without Edmund doing checks. I knew it was dangerous to race in a car that hadn't been worked on in a week, but I couldn't forfeit the Grand Prix final. We had to race today, with or without Edmund. We'd come too far to back out now.

My eyes were scanning nervously over the crowds outside of our alcove. Raven Key had just arrived. It took a minute to find the people I was looking for. Floyd was pulling Edmund along by his hand. Edmund's gaze was planted firmly on the ground, obviously trying to avoid seeing anyone else. It broke my heart to see him with another team.

"Freddie," I choked, nudging her shoulder.

"Hmm?" Freddie hummed, turning to look at me.

I numbly pointed in Edmund's direction, averting my gaze as I saw Floyd wrap his arm around him. I both didn't like seeing Edmund back with Floyd, and didn't exactly like seeing the affectionate interactions now that we had figured out what they meant. Their feelings didn't exactly fit right in my mind, but I think I could get used to it if Edmund came back and found someone else to adore, as long as it wasn't Floyd or Jules. It was weird, but not horrible and also literally none of my business. Edmund just needed someone better for him than those two. Deep down, I knew that he needed someone to love him, in a different way than Freddie and I did, but I didn't want to welcome anyone else when he found that person.

"...Theo, we expected this. We can't fix it." Freddie sounded just about as miserable as I felt. Neither of us liked seeing our brother with another team.

I couldn't help but stare at Edmund and his former assistant. They were far enough away that I couldn't hear them, but I could make out what was going on. Floyd...kissed Edmund. Like, on the lips. I hadn't expected that, at least not in public. They must have thought that nobody was watching, which they were sort of right about; I was the only one that saw. I felt kind of bad for staring, but I wanted to make sure Edmund didn't get hurt, physically at least. I knew I couldn't do much, but if someone were to say, punch him in the face, I would be over there in seconds. I still wanted to protect Edmund, mostly because I hadn't done such a great job of it before. I felt like I had failed him; I wanted to make up for that.

"I feel like this is all my fault," I cried, watching hopelessly as Floyd kissed Edmund again. I could tell Edmund's face was red, even from a distance. Floyd was embarrassing him, like, a lot. I didn't like it, and I don't think Edmund did either. He had never liked it when someone made him blush. He was a rather private person. I had a feeling that, even if he ended up with a female lover, he would never be public about a relationship. He just liked to keep to himself. I didn't like that Floyd wasn't letting him do that. Floyd didn't like to let Edmund be himself, that was what made him so toxic. At least Jules had left Edmund the way he was.

No, I didn't want to be thinking that Jules was better than Floyd. They were both horrible because they had both hurt Edmund. It didn't matter what had happened with each of them specifically, they both belonged to the same bunch. Liars. Cheaters. Betrayers. Freaks

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