Enemies To Lovers ; Suga

660 28 32

Pairing ~ Yoongi (BTS) x Jisoo

Summary ~ Jisoo and Yoongi are enemies. They fight over everything and sometimes over no apparent reasons. One day a mutual friend of the two invites them out and maybe that's when they notice that hatred is something they don't have for each other.

Warnings ~ Slight cursing

Requested by blueastrophile hope you enjoy!!


Jisoo walked to school with her earphones in. She ignored everything in her way, that is till she locked eyes with someone familiar. She glared and he glared back. It's too early for this, she thought. She tried moving so she could get onto school grounds but he only moved with her.

"Just get out of my way! I'm not trying to be late!"

"But why, it's fun seeing you rush around."

"This is gonna make you late too, you know."

"Don't care."

"Ugh, just get the fuck outta my way!" The boy finally moved and Jisoo let out a scoff as she passed him. She hurried to her locker and grabbed her things before heading to class. She surprisingly made it early and sat at her desk at the back before laying her head down on the cold wood and closing her eyes. Then she heard footsteps so she assumed it was other students so she brought her head up but made eye contact with the person she hates most.

She rolled her eyes before laying her head back on the desk.

"Do you need something?" Jisoo asked annoyed.

"Nope, just here for class." He said with a teasing smile.

"This isn't your class."

"Yes it is, you've just never played attention to the other students in here." The boy replied with as he sat in his desk which was in the back too but three desks left of Jisoo's. Jisoo was left with a confused look on her face, has he really been in her class all this time? She was snapped out of her thoughts by other students walking into the classroom. A bit later the teacher finally arrived.

It seemed that Jisoo had lots of classes with Yoongi because she saw him for most of her classes. Has she really never noticed him? The boy she supposedly hates more than anything. Soon it was lunch and a friend of Jisoo, Namjoon, well he was her cousin but anyways he invited her to eat out for lunch. She agreed since he said he'd pay. So after her last class before lunch she grabbed her stuff and waited for Namjoon at the front of the school.

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