6: I Found Him

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"Okay so......I had a dream....2 actually. About this total stranger with dark blonde hair, plump lips, and a soft look. His name was Jimin....at least, that's what I remember." I elaborated as Beomgyu's eyes grew wider second by second.

"Woah....2 dreams, just about this Jimin guy? Interesting." He nodded.

"Joon said he might be studying here so we were, kinda searching for him. But bleh none of us found him. He probably doesn't exist." I narrowed my eyes at him as he shrugged, but I didn't fail to notice the tiny smirk on Beomgyu's face.

"So....could you give me some more details about this guy? Maybe I could help you find him...." His smirk grew.

"Oh okay. Let me tell you that those looks were no joke." I imagined his appearance as he chuckled.

I then somewhat described about everything that I remembered as he listened carefully.

"Okayyyyyy......I see. Good luck finding him. I'll let you know if I find him." He stood up and smiled before walking out of the cafeteria.

"Weird." Namjoon stuffed the last bit of his kimbap into his mouth.




Namjoon's POV

A few minutes after our break got over, we parted ways as I headed to my class.

I had found new friends from my previous classes. They were all fun and cool.

As the room was being filled with students entering and taking random seats, I saw a few more enter along with an oddly familiar face.

I absentmindedly kept a constant stare on the boy who casually came and sat beside me.

Hold up.

Blond hair....interesting.

Plump lips....inTeResTiNg-

"Uh...hey, may I help you?" He spoke as I realized that I was staring at him like a hawk.

"Oh!....your hair...er I mean...N-NICE HAIR!!" I mentally screamed for stuttering like a hormonal fangirl as he gave me a look before smiling.

Not my fault I couldn't think that fast.

"Thanks......I guess." He replied before turning his head as if he just witnessed a convo with some alien.

Okay lets just survive this class without anymore embarrassments.

Time skip~

After class ended, I ran towards Hwayeon's class, looking up to find the right sign board.

"Oof-" I suddenly felt a strong impact before falling on my butt.

"Oww........." Hearing a voice, I looked up to find,

Oh shit.

It's the beanie dude.


"I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was going-"

"No it's okay, I should've seen you coming." He cut me off before standing up and extending a hand to help me get up.

I hesitantly took it before standing up and avoiding eye contact.

Why are so many embarrassing things happening today....

"Are you okay?" Both of us spoke in sync, resulting in a little laughter.

"I'm fine. You?" I replied as he fixed his beanie.

"It's all good." He smiled as I felt something weird in my stomach again.

Wtf? Is my stomach cursed?

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." He introduced as I nodded.

"I'm Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you." We shook hands as I would like to call it a moment there.

"Looks like someone's still not done socializing." I heard a voice to see an all too familiar girl.

"You're classmates?" I asked as they both nodded.

"I must say, I was shook when Hwayeon knew the answers to every thing the professor asked!" Jungkook exclaimed as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"When did you become so smart?" I raised an eyebrow as she batted her eyelashes.

"Oh honey, since you donated your braincells to me." She giggled funnily as they both cracked up.

"Ok ok. Now let's goooo!" I whined because it was frustrating.

Don't get me wrong, I was also laughing with them but......I felt nervous? In front of him?

I don't know what was wrong with me.

"Okay byeee~" We both waved at Jungkook as he waved back, displaying his bunny teeth.

UGH so stinkin cute.

Beomgyu's POV

I happily skipped towards the entrance of my home, since the first day of college was A-MAZING.

After entering, I quickly kept my bag while running upstairs.


"Please stoppp calling me thaaaat!" I pouted as she pulled her lips in a straight line.

"No." She turned and continued peeling the cucumber.


I quickly washed my hands before stealing a slice of it and running away.

"Aish this kid." I heard her mumble.

On the way to my room, I saw my brother's bedroom door open.

I peeked in to see him settle his books with headphones on. (picture above)

A smirk automatically made its way onto my face.

Blonde hair........

And plump lips huh?

I guess,

I found him.

Park Jimin.

Author's note: DUNDUNDUNNNNN. Let's see what happens next *evil smirk* Also a tiny backstory, Beomgyu and Jimin have different dads that's why they're step brothers with different surnames.

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