12: Hold My Nachos

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Hwayeon's POV

What is up with this guy?

Whenever I see him I don't know why, it just reminds me of one word.


Odd because firstly, nobody wears a mask that often these days. Isn't he tired of wearing those sweaty ass idiotic pieces of cloth?

Secondly, tf was he was faking his voice for?

He sounded like a 64 year old man with mucous stuck in his throat.

"Yooooooooo." Namjoon came from behind, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Yo." I sighed turning to face him.

"Any success finding your dream boy, Jimin or whatever?" He asked as I cringed.

"Eeeew. He's not my dream boy. Well he is but....I don't know." I stated.

"I think we should stop searching for him because, he probably doesn't exist okay." I continued as Hobi and Yoongi joined our convo.

"Always have hopes honey, who knows, your dream might come true." Hobi beamed with a smile as I couldn't help but smile back.

I swear this boy had magic in his smiles.

"Hmm thanks Hobi." I looked at him who nodded in return.

"How do you know if he's in this school or not? Did you try looking at the class lists of each batch? His name could be there." Yoongi suggested.

"Yeah.....no Joonie said that Jimin sounds like someone from our college." I pointed at the boy beside me.

"Joon. You shouldn't assume stuff like that." Yoongi made a poker face causing Namjoon to return it back.

"Idk....I could try. I mean there's no harm in trying so....byee!" I waved before rushing off to the big soft board for the class lists.

"Whom are you looking for?" I heard a voice beside me as I turned to find Beomgyu looking at me with big eyes.

"Hey I was just searching for that guy I saw in my dream....Jimin." I focused of each and every chart.

From my peripheral vision I could see a tiny smirk appear on his face.

"Here." He took my hand and placed my index finger on a different sheet.

"OH MY GOD BEOMGYU-" I almost screamed as I saw the name I was pointing at.

Park Jimin

That name.

"But what if it's someone else...." I frowned subconsciously.

"That's upto you to find out noona." He smiled and and patted my shoulder before walking away.

I shrugged before looking back at the name, my eyes scanning his class list.

And well, fuck.

This dude had literature with me.


Also wait a fucking minute.

Even the Jams guy was in my literature class and I never noticed him.

Could it actually be?

Could they possibly be the same person?

"Are you lost babygorrrrl?" I heard a voice before getting out my thoughts as I saw Namjoon standing there.

"No I'm not. YOU GOTTA SEE THIS." I pointed at the name as Namjoon gasped.

"Park Jimin?! Ooooo see I told ya." He smiled as he looked at the info.

"Bruhhhh Jimin.....is in most of my classes." Namjoon gasped.

"How come you never saw him?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"You know how he looks. Not me. And sir never called out his name." He stated.

"I see. You do have a class with him right now so.....just see if you can find him okay?" I spoke.

"Of course." Namjoon smiled smugly before parting ways.

Namjoon's POV

"Is your name Park Jimin?" I walked up to random boys here and there, asking for their names.

"Dude why are you-" I looked behind to find Yoongi giving me a disinterested look.

"It's for the best. I never asked you to help." I rolled my eyes causing him to scoff.

"Whatever." He mumbled before going to his seat.

"Do you know anyone named Park Jimin here?" I continued asking other students, only to get 'no' as an answer.

But I won't give up.

I sighed as the professor came in and everyone settled in their places. Including me.

"Good morning my beautiful children, how are y'all todayy?" He spoke with cheery tone as I cringed so hard.

"He on drugs or something?" I felt someone sit beside me as I looked up to find the blond guy from before.

Oh my partner from yesterday.

"Hi!" I smiled.

"Hello." He smiled back after removing his mask and opening his textbook.

Hold my nachos.

Why does that mask look so familiar?

I shook my head before my gaze landed on his notebook which was opened to his front page.

The next moment I knew, I screamed.


Author's note: Hi :) Sorry for the bacteria sized chapter.

Author's note: Hi :) Sorry for the bacteria sized chapter

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He's so cute bye.


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