16: I Don't Have Covid-19

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Hwayeon's POV

"Don't you feel suffocated? That piece of shit killed me everytime I wore it." I stated as we walked into our building.

"Nope. Mask is a protection." He spoke, his blonde hair bouncing due to his footsteps.

"Ew." I rolled my eyes, making Beomgyu laugh as he was on the other side.

"Okay then I shall get going. Seeya later." I looked at Jams as he hesitantly nodded.

We were gonna discuss about the project and a little about the trip, who knows. But I'm getting that mask off of his face for sure.

"Byeee~" Beomgyu waved as I waved back before entering through my door.

One hour later (Spongebob style)~

I sat at the couch, placing the cushions properly since I wouldn't want him to think I was a messy person.

I could hear weird noises from outside the main door. Like some foot shuffling with metal scratching?

I squinted my eyes before walking to the door and looking through the hole.

What the actual frick is he doing?

I opened the door quick as he jumped due to the suddenness.

"Hey you wanna come in?" I asked as he gave a sheepish giggle.

"Hehe sure, just warn me before you suddenly open the door like that, I almost got a heart attack." He spoke.

"God knows what you were doing outside." I rolled my eyes, giving him space to remove his Puma slippers.

"Wait how did you know I was outside?"

"Don't be dumb."

"Right right." He scratched his head following me to the bedroom.

"Nice room." He complimented as he sat on my bed.

"Thanks. Now are you still gonna keep your mask on?" I folded my arms.


"My house is safe you know......I don't have covid-19." I stated as his eyes widened.

"No nooo I told you I don't wear this mask due to the virus. I know your house is perfectly safe." He gave me a thumbs up.

But I'm not giving up.

"Okay, so let's begin with the project?" I asked as he nodded.

I opened my laptop, switching it on before going to bring another chair to place in front of my desk.

I then took a notebook before having a seat beside Jams.

A hint of lavender and patchouli hit my nose as I realized it was coming from him.

He smelled so good oh my gosh.

"May I?" I heard his voice, nodding in response.

He was went to the browser, searching for Shakesphere, his eyes trained on the screen.

"Whatchu lookin at?" He asked, his voice muffled as usual but his fingers dancing on the keyboard with speed.

"Huh? Me?" I blinked looking at him.

"Who else can you find in this room honey?" He asked before turning to look at me, his gaze directly at my own.

"No one. And....I was looking at your mask." I replied half-truthfully as he raised an eyebrow.


"Um....I wanted to see the brand." I smiled.

"Seriously?" He chuckled.

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