24: Darling Kiss Me

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(A/n: Don't play that yet👆)

It was early evening as the sun was halfway down. We all got out of the bus, feeling tired after a long day.

"Alright its just 3 destinations for today. Now we're headed to the Seine river for a cruise ride, how does that sound?" Taehyung announced as all of us cheered.

"This is gonna be so cooooollll!" Hobi squealed along with Jimin as they both did a little dance.

Aww lmao.

"Wait....guys do you see that? DO YOU SEE THAT!?" Yoongi started yelling as he pointed at a distance.

"THE EIFFEL TOWERRRR!!!" Jungkook exclaimed happily.

I had seen it from the airplane and in pictures. But admiring it from a close distance as the little lights twinkled upon the giant tower enveloped in a golden shimmer, was something else. It seemed so magical and beautiful.

"Come on let's get onto the cruise." Taehyung said as all of us headed to the small vehicle afloat at the edge of the river.

"Watch your step." Both Jungkook and Jimin spoke in sync as I glanced between both of them.

"Oh um....I was talking to Joonie hyung." Jungkook stated before helping Namjoon get on.

Since when were they so effing close? 

This legit escalated like flash.

"I'm talking to you." A voice shook me out of my thoughts as I saw Jimin already on the  bridge to the cruise, his hand outstretched to help me get on.

"Oh sorry. I got lost hehe." I took his hand before carefully placing my foot on the bridge since there was a gap in between.

"There we go." He pulled me to a safer side, not realizing the proximity between us.

I looked up and the first that came into my view was his lips.

Oh god control yourself.

As I shifted my gaze higher, our eyes met as he smiled mischievously, giving his eyebrows a lift.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to ignore my heart which was slamming against my chest.

Standing straight, I sighed before walking to the entrance of the cruise.

Oh shit. I am still holding his hand.

"Woah what's the hurry?" He giggled like a child as I immediately removed my hand from his grasp.

"Shut up." I mentally slapped my face.

"You're blushing Yeon." He stated as we walked to the seats.

"Okay, and?" I turned to him, risking my actions.

"Nothing. It's adorable." He spoke under his breathe, loud enough for me to hear.

"Thanks." I gave a tight smile, noticing a pinkish tint on his cheeks too.

"You're blushing as well haha." I smirked causing him to cup his cheeks quickly.

"Oh no." He gasped softly as I began laughing.

"Hey not funny!" He pouted as I continued to laugh.

He huffed before going to the edge of the cruise as it began to move.

"Wait for meee!" I clutched my stomach, trying to recover from the laughter before walking towards him.

"Gosh it's cold." I rubbed my arms, looking around to see Jungkook and Namjoon sitting together, Hobi and Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung, Ryujin and her group together and the rest.

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