what I know. . .

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My name is Joshua Alset. I am 5ft 5, blonde hair, and eyes that might as well be black. I've lived in "Cemetary" Central since I was 15 (surprisingly I'm still alive). I've always called it that cause I've never seen a live piece of grass in this place, and all the people keep dying out of nowhere. Just this week 23 guys died, about 10 were called down to 'The Hall', the rest either, A) killed themselves, or B) tried to escape, or C) tried to go into 'The Hall' without being called down.

'The Hall' is obviously a hall thats completely OFF LIMITS, unless you are called down. Anybody that has gone down there never came back alive.Once, a group of guys sent their buddy Jerry down there. Last time we saw him, his dead body was being thrown over the wall. Not a pretty sight.

"The Hall" has many wild rumors about it. My favorite being the thought that there are aliens down there that made a deal and need human blood sacrifices as part of it. Imaginative. Scary, but full of imagination.

The rest of this place is hell. When you walk by a room you hear these awful screams, like hellhounds are attacking the men inside. The bad part is that you can't block out the screams. Covering your ears dont help a bit, trust me on that. They come back in the middle of sleep and haunt you. They're screams that would make the best and strongest angel commit suicide. The first year I was lucky to get any sleep. But, like everything else (as horrible it is to say), you get used to it.

If there is anything you need here, its sleep. The schedules they give you are strict. My schedule mostly consists of 19 hours in the sweat room with, lets say, 50-60 other dudes. Its where you break your back and sweat your ass off, shoving coal into a big machine. I never figured out how the damn thing works, or what it does. It might be dangerous for all we know.

Talking to other people is off limits. No talking to guards, prisoners, yourself. . . They don't have phones, so you couldn't talk to family or friends. If the guards caught you talking, they'd be like 'OFF WITH HIS HEAD!' The whole place is strict. Whenever you talk, they think you're saying something in code.

There isn't any privacy in here, whatsoever. Guard here, guard there, guards up your ass, everywhere. You go to the bathroom, no privacy. Some guys actually go crazy from it. Last month, a dude named Bosco got shot for trying to kill a guard that didn't leave him alone. Poor dude. He got thrown over the wall too.

Nobody has ever got past the wall, unless they were dead. That was my mission: To go outside the wall, ALIVE. I remember a little bit of my old life, before being locked up in this dump. Its like my worst nightmare to bring it up, but what the hell. . .

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