Chapter 1

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Amelia was over the moon! She was going to be an aunt! Amelia immediately made reservations to get back to England and France— after two years, no less.

Soon, Amelia was standing in front of Malfoy Manor in England having second thoughts. She knew that none of her friends would just smile and let her in without giving their two knuts. No, they would yell and rage, and together, they would kill her.

Well, she thought, no turning back now.

Amelia managed to sneak into the Manor without getting noticed (She'd been keyed into the Wards in her fourth year of Hogwarts) by anyone except Draco. Yes, being a Slytherin meant that you could sneak past anyone— except kids. Happened to the Dark Lord, could happen to anyone.

She and Draco were currently playing around and Draco was about to mount his broom in the Hall when Narcissa entered.

"Draco, dear, what have we said about brooms in the Hall—" she broke off as she saw Amelia. Two pairs of eyes widened, one in surprise and one in fear.

"Amelia?" Narcissa said.

"H-hey, 'Cissa..." Amelia answered, getting up and trying to discreetly move towards the exit.

Narcissa's eyes flashed dangerously, "Amelia Bellona Snape! How dare you! Two years! Again! I should have known not to let you run off on your own! Where have you been!"

The scary thing about proper purebloods is that their voice never rises when they're angry and it makes it all the scarier.

Amelia was just glad Sarah didn't join in on the berating.


Sarah was cooing over the newest addition to their family; Ivory Emerald Snape.

Amelia gently opened the door and stepped inside. Sarah looked up, a tired smile on her face, which quickly turned into a look of confusion.

"Amelia? That you?"

"Hey, Sare," Amelia whispered as to not wake the baby, who was only a few weeks old. It had taken some time to get the news to Amelia and it didn't help that nobody knew where she had been residing. They could have Iris Messaged, but they again didn't know where she was. So they used an owl, but she was a whole ocean away get the picture.

"Oh, Mel, it's so good to see you! Let's go outside, I don't want to wake the baby."

They shared a brief hug in the Sitting Room before Amelia was subject to an hour's worth of yelling and a lecture of Why You Shouldn't Abandon Your Family and Leave England.

It was a quiet, tense moment before Sarah pulled Amelia into another hug. Mel tensed before relaxing if only a bit.

"It's just so good to see you."

"Same," Amelia whispered, barely able to speak and about to cry.

"And you're so lucky neither Severus nor Lucius are here because—"

"But aren't we?"

Amelia froze at the unmistakable drawl of both Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

Slowly, she turned around and gave the two friends a weak smile, "Hey..."

Amelia was sure her ear would never be the same again.

After Amelia caught up with everything that happened in the last five years (The last time she came back was Sarah and Sev's wedding; nobody wanted to remind anyone of the dark times in the past) she was beyond furious. Sirius! In Azkaban! And nobody knew if he was innocent, not one person. Peter— sweet innocent Peter — dead at his hands and Remus all but walked off the face of this Earth!

One would think that Harry, James and Lily's child, would go to Alice and Frank Longbottom, but they were tortured to insanity by Bella, Barty, and the other two Lestranges!

Amelia felt a pang of guilt at the mention of Bellatrix which quickly turned to anguish when she heard Barty — as sweet and innocent as Peter, only hating his father a bit for neglect— died in Azkaban. She could also care less for Rodolphus and Rabastan.

"So where's Harry now?" Mel asked.

Severus sneered, "Potter's spawn? No one's seen hide nor hair of him since that night, though Dumbledore—" here everyone sneered, "—says he's okay and being treated like a prince where he is located. I don't care."

"No," Amelia said slowly as she paled, "He would've gone to Sirius, but he's in Azkaban— need to check up on that, you know— so he'd go to Remus, but he's gone with his werewolf pack, so he'd go to me, but I was halfway across the world, so Harry'd go to Alice and Frank Longbottom but they are incapacitated, so he'd go to you, Sev, but seeing as you don't have him...he'd go to...Petunia."

Severus' mouth parted a bit. "Dumbledore wouldn't let him go there, no matter how senile."

"But she would hate him. Too much. They probably abuse him too much. He'd be as malleable as Dumbledore would want."

Just then, Ivory started to cry and Severus went back into the room. Meanwhile, Amelia updated Lucius and Narcissa on who, exactly, Petunia was, then proceeded to find out (somewhat illegally, but nobody needed to know that) where and who she was right now.

Turns out, Petunia Evans was now Petunia Dursley née Evans, married to Vernon Dursley, head of a drilling company that Amelia didn't care enough to memorize. They lived in 4 Privet Drive, Surrey, England, and had one son named Dudley Dursley.

What a despicable name, it was.

There was no mention of Harry, effectively ringing alarms in Amelia's head. It didn't help with the pull in her gut every single day (She knew it was the godmother but brushed it off as stress and nerves. She had been way too busy in America. And for that, she felt guilty).

"I need to check if he's there," Amelia said.

"But you just got here!" Narcissa reprimanded, "You haven't even had a proper meal. You need to—"

"I'll go," Severus was standing by the couch with Ivory in his arms.

"No," Amelia shook her head, "Sev, you have too much in your hands— literally." She pointed to Ivory. "C-can I hold her?"

Severus smiled slightly and gave his daughter to his cousin.

Amelia looked at the baby in her arms and smiled. then she got flustered and gave her back to Severus.

"What's wrong, Mel?" Narcissa asked, smirking. She knew exactly why she did that.

Lucius also smirked at Amelia. He knew what his wife was doing and agreed wholeheartedly. They needed to see his half-sister squirm.

"Nothing," Amelia said quickly, then saw the couple's faces and glared, "Shut up!"

Severus snorted, stroking Ivory's fuzzy head, "One would think you to be less insecure now, Amelia."

"Yeah, well, you have Lu to thank for that."

Lucius growled at that old nickname, "Oh, whatever have I done to you, Amy."

Amelia bristled at that nickname, "Whatever, Lu, I'm going to—"

"Auntie Mel!" Draco burst into the room, "I never showed you the pancakes I made last week! Mum said they could be used for paperweights!"

He pulled Amelia out of the room and away from the conversation.

A/N: My first story! Please go easy on me and comment! COVID made me really bored and I need an outlet. Plus, school, soo....

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