Chapter 21: Our Strange New Tattoos and Jade's recruitment

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When I woke up, I was the only one in the room, then Kung Lao walked in with some food.

"Kung Lao, where am I?" I asked him.

"You are in the academy, you fell unconscious after you saved Sub-Zero and I from Shao Kahn."

"I think I remember now, at least a little bit of it. Can you tell me what you saw?"

"You and Bri busted through the wall of the dungeon, you were in a sphere of wind with bits of earth flying around it. Bri was in a black sphere with bits of ice and wisps of fire flying around it. Bri healed Sub-Zero and I then you broke the chains with a rock. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi tried to stop you, but Bri blinded them and you crushed them with a boulder four times." I had to laugh at that part. "Then you used your force powers to, how you say, 'throw them around like a rag-doll'. After that Bri put them in a sphere of shadow. Then Shao Kahn walked in and you two started to beat him, then he disappeared before you two could kill him."

"Yeah, I remember the rest of it until I black out."

"Well, you started to get white lines on your skin in figures I could not make out, then the color came in. You have tattoos now. They will not come off."

"Really?" Then I found a bathroom with a mirror. He was right! I got animal claws on the backs on my hands, claw marks going up my arms, a grizzly bear on my left shoulder and a leopard on my right shoulder. I got Latios, Latias, Giratina, and Arceus on my back. I got 2 crossed katanas on my chest over my heart next to a Shaymin. I got Lugia and Ho-oh on the palms of my hands. I got a blue moon on my left cheek, 2 tears coming from my left eye and 1 coming from the other, a golden sun on my right cheek a big 3 like on Johnny 3 Tears' 2012 mask on the left side of my face, a pokeball in the center of my forehead and all of them on my face're connected by stars.

"COOL!" I yelled as I saw the awesomeness of them.

"Bri has tattoos too."

"Cool! I gotta see this!" Then I ran out to find Bri. When I do, she's got the eeveelutions on her face and they're all connected at the tail, and they're connected to a pokeball on her forehead like mine.

"This is cool!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! I got the eeveelutions on my face!" Bri responded.

"And this happened after we went all Avatar State on Shao Kahn's ass!"

"Yeah, but we probably gotta wait a while for our powers to recharge."

"Yeah, let's give it a few days." Then we all went on with our regular stuff until that night when Liu was talking to Nightwolf.

"You do not know how violent she is, Nightwolf." Liu told him.

"I am sure she is not that violent." Nightwolf said.

"Oh really? Then try waking her up later, when it is just the right moment."

"Fine, I will." Then I really went to sleep, after a while I felt something shaking me. I then got it's hands off me and got it on it's back and pushed my forearm against it's neck. Then I realized it was Nightwolf.

"Cannot..... Breath......" He choked out with my forearm still against his wind pipe.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dude! I didn't realize it was you!" I said, getting off of him.

"I TOLD YOU SHE IS VIOLENT!" Liu yelled a few yards away from us.

"I ADMIT IT, YOU WERE RIGHT!" Nightwolf yelled back while still gasping for breath.

"Great, now that we have that established, can you please leave me to sleep in peace?" I asked.

"I would, but I cannot move my legs."

"Guess we gotta do this the hard way." I got him to stand up, then I lifted Nightwolf off the ground and put him down over by Liu.

"Wow, you are stronger than we give you credit for." Liu said to me.

"Yes, yes I am." I responded, then I went back over to where I was and went to sleep, this time with Lucky and Sparky with me.

----------the next morning-----------

I was sitting by the fountain meditating when I heard footsteps. I broke my focus, stopped levitating and opened my eyes to see who it is. To my surprise it was Jade walking through the gate.

"Jade, why have you come?" Kitana asked her.

"I have come to join you Kitana." She told Kitana.

"You truly wish to join us?" Raiden asked.

"Yes Lord Raiden, I wish to join my best friend Kitana." She answered as she bowed to him. I started reading her mind at that moment. She truly wanted to join us, and she thinks the guy in the grey's kinda cute. I knew automatically she was referring to Smoke.

"I am surprised you did not follow me here when I first got here." Kitana said.

"I did not, but I am here now and I wish to join you." Jade responded.

"I know Jade, she would never lie to me." Kitana said to Raiden.

"Fine then, you may join us." Raiden told her.

"Thank you Lord Raiden." Jade said and bowed. Let's see how this plays out......


I got the idea for JadexSmoke from when I saw a comment on MissDagger's story "Backstage Pass to Mortal Kombat"

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