Chapter 25: Bri's awakening, Jade's Question and the Shadow

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While Bri was in her coma, the only people I let touch her were Sub-Zero, the girls and Raiden. Also, Sonya went missing, but for some reason nobody thought about it. One day, I was checking to see if she had any scratches or something like that and I saw a red line on her side. I sent a mind message to Sub-Zero.

"Sub-Zero, it's Tia, I need you in the room Bri's in. NOW!" I messaged him. When he came in I asked him if he knew what the red line was. He said he didn't know, so we turned her on her stomach and we saw it's a tattoo of an open tessen on her back with these special designs on them. There were swirly lines on the actual blade of the tessen. There were swirly red lines coming from the blades. Then I saw it.

"Dude, look." I told him, pointing at her leg. There were cuts up and down her calves.

"What does it mean?" He asked me.

"It means she hurt herself by choice."

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know." Then Sub-Zero asked me for her tessens and I give it to him.

"I will keep these for a while." He said and walked out......

3 days later Bri finally woke up from her coma. She was so weak she couldn't move, we had to get her what she needed. When that month ended Bri asked for her tessens back and I knew she doedn't like being weaponless.

"I don't have it, Sub-Zero does." I told her. I went with her to get her tessen back from him.

"Then explain to me why you cut your leg up like that." He demanded.

"How'd you know about that?" She asked him.

"I'm to blame for that, sorry. I saw a red line on your side and we inspected it and we saw, well, that." I said. Then they started yelling at each other. I thought about breaking it up, but then I decided to see how long this'd last. It ended up lasting a half hour.

"Give me my tessens. NOW!" She said, then Sub-Zero realized she might melt him and gave them back to her.

When I took Bri to calm down, she literally melted a tree. Then she melted into the shadows for a while. I just left her alone for a while. When I tried meditating, Jade came over to me.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" I replied as I started to descend.

"Well, there is this man I like, how do I win him over?"

"It's Smoke idn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"I can read minds, Jade. If you like a guy, the perfect way to win him over's with food. We have a saying where I'm from: the quickest way to a man's heart's through his stomach."

"What does that mean?"

"This is the logic for most of the guys in the world: if a woman cooks better than your own mother, she's a keeper! Look, I'll show you how to make a special dish pretty much everybody here loves."

"That would be good, thank you." I taught her how to make the deer meat stuffed in jalapeñoes wrapped in bacon. And would ya believe it, right before supper Bri came back with Sonya!

"Huh, I guess we got perfect timing for making this dish then." I said, then we ate. The new guys and girls loved the dish.

"Jade helped make this you know." I said to them.

"This is really good." Smoke complimented to Jade.

"Told ya it'd work." I whispered to her.

"You were so right about this. Thank you." She replied. After dinner, I was talking with Bri when Sub-Zero came up and randomly hugged her.

"I am sorry I yelled at you. It was foolish of me to take your tessens away, but I was just scared for you." He said to her, then pulled her into a kiss. This time I looked away until I heard them break for air. When I looked back I saw they weren't even there anymore. Then for the first time (on its own), it rained here! Kung Lao wanted me to stay with him in his room and wouldn't let me stay in any of the other buildings.

"If you try to sleep anywhere else, I will drag you to my building in your sleep." He said to me. I didn't feel like arguing, so I agreed. When I went see if Sub-Zero and Bri were in their room, I saw the door frozen shut and heard talking. Then Bri started yelling and she sounded sad.


"SO?!?!?!?! YOU THINK MY BROTHER'S DEATH WAS ANY MORE PAINFUL FOR ME?!?!?" He yelled back. "I CARRY HIS NAME NOW!!!! I CAN NEVER FORGET HIM!!!!!! KUAI LIANG IS GONE!!!!! I AM SUB-ZERO NOW!!! AND JUST BECAUSE YOU LOST YOUR CRUSH IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CUT!!!!" Then I heard a wordless scream from Bri and after Kung Lao fell asleep, I heard sobbing outside. I went out and saw Bri crying in the rain with some of her eeveelutions. She had out Fireheart, (her Flareon) Duskwing, (her shiny Umbreon) Starshine, (her shiny Espeon) and Flower (her leafeon). Starshine and Flower were trying to calm her down, and Fireheart and Duskwing were guarding her.

"Fireheart, use Flamethrower. Duskwing, use Faint Attack." She said. They did as she said.

"HEY WOAH, IT'S JUST ME!!!" I said after I dodged the attacks.

"Get away or I'll get Zekrom to attack." She told me without a shred of kindness in her voice.

Something's not right with Bri. I took out Lucky. "No, I'm not leaving."

"Starshine, use Psybeam." She commanded and hit Lucky dead on. Then we pretty much had a normal trainer battle. She won with some other eeveelutions she has. The only reason she won was because all her Pokemon were level 100 and all powered up.

"Leave me alone unless you want Duskwing to hurt you." She said, again, without any kindness in her voice. I picked up 3 of the pokéballs on the ground and sent back Duskwing, Sealfur, (her Vaporeon) and Black Fox (her shiny Eevee she had hold an everstone). Then I dragged her outta the rain cause we were both soaking wet by this point and she was shivering and sneezing. I dragged her into mine and Kung Lao's room and he wasn't there. I guess he had to pee or something. Bri then heated up the room, sat on the bed I was using, and stopped sneezing. When Kung Lao walked in, he got us some blankets and I revived our Pokémon. Then Bri took out all her eeveelutions and they snuggled with her as they fell asleep.

"Is there anywhere else I could sleep tonight?" I asked Kung Lao.

"Well, my bed is pretty big." He answered. I was too tired after dealing with Bri to argue, so I just agreed. Plus, it'll be nice to sleep next to Kung Lao again. I hope Bri's gonna be ok, I got a bad feeling........

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