Chapter 16: Our Mysterious Powers

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The next day, I spent most of the morning with Bri, but that was when I noticed something strange.

"Bri, your eyes've changed!" I told her. Her eyes which used to be brown were now a swirl of red and ice blue. On top of that, the colors kept swirling, they didn't stay still.

"What? They have?".

"Yeah, look!" I then give her a mirror.

"Woah, they have! What do you think it means?"

"I have no idea, but it's kinda cool lookin'."

-----------------later that day----------------

I decided to try meditating, until I was interrupted by Liu and Sub-Zero running towards me.

"Tia! Tia! Come quick! It is Bri!" They said as they were running to me.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I responded, getting concerned.

"She can breathe fire!" Sub-Zero exclaimed. "Come on!"

Then we ran over to Bri, who was sitting under a tree.

"Alright, do exactly what you did the first time." Sub-Zero told her. She yelled and fire came outta her mouth. Sub-Zero stepped back to avoid being melted.

"AWESOME!!" I yelled. Then Bri tried to swat a fly, when she did, icicles came outta her hands and got stuck in the tree. "EVEN MORE AWESOME!!"

"That is impossible, you have gained both the powers of ice and fire." Liu said.

"Can you breathe ice too? Try changing your tone, see what happens." I told her. She tried it and ice came outta her mouth. "Woah.... EPIC!!"

"How did this happen?"

"I have no idea, guess we'll just have to live with it for now." Bri told us, not yelling anymore.

--------------a few days later---------------

Kung Lao and I were just sitting under a tree, I was showing him my special sharpening technique again because he forgot how to do it. Then Johnny walked by and saw us.

"Kung Lao and Tia sitting under a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." He started, mockingly.

"I got this." I told Kung Lao. I then stood up, walked over to Johnny and slapped him. I hate it when people do stuff like that! As I was walking back over to Kung Lao, I heard Johnny get hit again and rocks breaking. I turned around and Johnny got hit by a giant boulder and smashed against a wall.

"What just happened?" Kung Lao asked.

"I don't know, but I like it!" I exclaimed, then walked back over to him and sat down.

"I think you caused that boulder to hit him. And your eyes have changed color! They are brown and light blue. And the colors are swirling, not staying still." I looked in a mirror to see Kung Lao's right. Then I tried moving a boulder again. I moved my other hand in the other direction and a giant boulder flew across the clearing.

"AWESOME!!" I yelled excitedly. After I helped Kung Lao again, I decided to go take a nap. When I woke up, I started to stretch my arms. But when I extended my fingers hard, it made the wind grow strong enough to literally blow someone away, then I relaxed my fingers and the wind died down. I tested it, (and kinda messed with it) by flexing and relaxing my fingers; when I flexed my fingers, the wind got stronger; when I relaxed my fingers, it died down, then the wind went back to normal. Then I stretched out my right hand and one of my katanas flew into my hand.

"That was cool!" I thought to myself. Then I tried it again with my other hand and other katana, same thing happened. "I gotta tell Bri!"

"Bri, Bri! I got big news!" I yelled when I found her.

"What is it?" She asked me.

"I got powers too!! watch!" I messed with the wind again.

"Cool! Can you do more?"

"I CAN USE THE FORCE!!!" I used it to fly an apple into my hand. "Wait, watch this." Then I moved the boulder to the other side of the clearing.

"What do you think's going on?"

"I'm not sure, but we can run some tests." She agreed to do it. After we ran some tests we came to a conclusion that we must tell everyone else about. After we gathered everyone, we gave them the results.

"Alright guys and girls, we know you've noticed strange behavior between us. We ran some tests and we've come to a conclusion: due to being in your world, our DNA's changing, and for some unknown reason, our DNA's chosen to give us power over two elements that're natural opposites and they somehow interact in perfect harmony." We told them.

"It's given Bri both pyro and cryo powers, and I've gained the powers over earth and wind. We're guessing it's permanent because when DNA changes, it usually stays that way. We'll just have to get used to it." I added.

"Wait, then why'd Bri's powers come in before Tia's?" Johnny asked.

"We have a theory. We think it's because when Sub-Zero kissed her, it accelerated the ice powers, forcing the fire powers to accelerate with it to keep the balance."

"Then how come the Sonya or Johnny or me haven't gotten any powers like that?" Jaxx asked.

"We have a theory for that too. We believe it's because of our mental powers. I can read minds and send brain messages to people. Bri has visions on occasions. Either way it's FUCKIN AWESOME!!! I CAN USE THE FORCE NOW!!"

"What is 'the Force' exactly?" Liu asked me.

"I'll show you." I used the force to make a staff on the other side of the clearing come to my hand. "That, my friend, was me using the Force." This is gonna be fun......

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