Adam Bergmann

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Adam Bergmann- Norwegian (mother); German/Irish (father); Laidback and pragmatic, Adam Bergmann is self-sufficient and an independent thinker with a love for thrill-seeking and rock n' roll. Observant and focused on the present, he considers himself a sociable introvert and reacts cool-headedly to most situations, which makes him difficult to anger. He is very adaptable and openly accepts change, much like his ex-girlfriend Bianca Rutelli, to whom he infamously lost his virginity on her sister's living room floor in her apartment. A loner by choice with a tendency to rebel, he prefers to be spontaneous and keep his options open, as he seeks to spend time to himself to "think, process, and recharge". Raised in a very poor family by a violent and alcoholic father, Adam is very protective of both his mother and his younger sister Imelda. His sibling has a pervasive developmental disorder, leading him to undertake the role of the "man of the house" due to his father working away from home. Emotionally and intellectually independent, he keeps to himself and generally prefers logic and reason over excessive display of emotion, to uphold the image of being strong, mature, and balanced. He enjoys listening to hard rock and metal music in his spare time and was something of a rebellious rocker throughout the years. Adam's favorite musicians to date include Soundgarden and System of a Down. He is also rather skilled when it comes to repairing objects and devices, having fixed his own Chevy Chevelle, and is a formidable chef who aspires to possibly attend a culinary arts school in the future. Although he had childhood dreams of becoming a professional race car driver, he currently aspires to make use of his culinary talents and open his own restaurant in the city. 

He is also the lead singer and bassist of his own rock band Celtic Ozone, which consists of himself and close friend Chris Sourelos, along with two other members. Adam works a part-time job at a local Chipotle alongside his good friend Chris and is currently dating McKenzie Tanner, much to the surprise of many people with their opposing personalities, with Chris being the ultimate rocker meanwhile McKenzie worships Taylor Swift. His sister had a talent for solving Rubik's cubes and jigsaw puzzles from a young age and would quietly entertain herself with Legos for long periods in her room. While she had a knack for tinkering with things, she wasn't much of a fan of electric work or electrical odors. She likewise had escapist tendencies and suffered from selective mutism up until the 2nd grade as a means of coping with her anxiety over social situations. Adam has since outgrown this habit, but still appears a bit restless when in her classes, causing others to perceive her as odd or unusual. He has researched a number of his sister's symptoms, as she displays poor social skills such as prolonged groaning when under pressure. She also hides under tables, naivety, muted emotional expression, speaking in a monotone voice, believing everything she hears, having a very small range of interests and topics and taking things too literally. She also tends to prefer exclusive, one-on-one friendships rather than having multiple connections with different people on a more superficial level. Adam once hid in a classroom closet and proceeded to roam about while messing with various school supplies and equipment in the nurse's office simply to avoid riding the bus home. She nearly ate a lifesaver that was left on the hallway floor in the process, only to be helped by a janitor who ensured she got home safely. 

He occasionally allows McKenzie to join in his band by playing tambourine, much to the annoyance of some of his bandmates. Seen as one of the only people who has the patience to deal with and "handle her", having seen her vulnerable, softer side, he is an extremely nice guy who usually remains cool-headed and tries to talk to and be friendly with everybody. Seeing as he is considered one of the most reliable and relaxed people to hang out with, many are perplexed as to why Adam chooses to date the often demanding and headstrong McKenzie, yet together, they make the ultimate power couple and balance out one another's strengths and flaws. He claims, after all, that he "never said he liked his relationships to be simple and easy". He loves to figure people out and has a budding interest in psychology. He is also very empathetic and understanding and tends to be unfazed by those who appear unique or diverge from the norm. He is considered good-looking with a messy mop of light brown hair, cognac-colored eyes, and a light complexion, in addition to having some meaningful tattoos throughout his body. Adam has two black piercings in his earlobes and is noted for having a very angular face, with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a chiseled, defined jawline. At 6 ft. 2 in tall with a toned, muscular build, Adam is generally popular with the ladies and the object of many female's affection, despite only having eyes for his long-term girlfriend Phyllis. In addition to being good friends with Chris, whom he befriended after finding several similarities between themselves, he often takes on the role of the "dad friend". He is oftentimes considered to be the second oldest of his friend group at 17, being just a few months shy of his 18th birthday. 

He claims to be "heteroflexible" and describes himself as being "mostly straight", with his sexuality being "75 percent girls and 25 percent guys". Besides the twins Emma and Connor, Adam is good friends with Julia Nichols, Mark Albo and Morgan Fischer and close with her redheaded classmate Alec. Alec is usually accepting of who he is and is fascinated by her "weirdness" and breadth of knowledge, with the two often engaging in playful banter. He often tries to brush off his quirks humorously and formed a tight bond with her once they were paired for a project together in their honors English course. This often triggers slight jealousy on Ruthie's part, who often expresses insecurity over his and Alec's budding closeness to each other at school. Although generally a fan of hard rock and punk music, Adam is also a huge fan of Elvis Presley and is skilled at playing electric guitar, frequently uploading acoustic covers of old Elvis songs on the web in honor of his music idol. He has also been a smoker since the age of 13, a habit he has been trying to break at the encouragement of some of his family members and loved ones, as well as his girlfriend. He eventually becomes more time as he ages and settles down with his long-term partner McKenzie as they adopt children and travel together. The two go on to adopt children together due to McKenzie's struggles with infertility, and he humbles down significantly as he becomes a man of God. Adam's favorite program to watch on tv is Sons of Anarchy, and he has also watched episodes of Bones and an animated series called Futurama. He and McKenzie go on a mission trip to Bolivia together and begin to donate to a few non-profit organizations, meanwhile he becomes the caregiver to his low-functioning younger sister Imelda. ISTP 9w8

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