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Zee Pov

I don't what hurts most right now, not seeing Saint or seeing but unable to hold him.

After that day he called in for a week of personal time.

It's been three weeks since that day and no one has seen Saint. Fans ask every time I'm spotted. I'm not even sure how to answer: What to say? What to do?

"Zee tell me the idea for today's modeling shot Saint won't answer our calls and you're close to him go get him."

"No..." Shaking my head walking off to the side...

Messaging Saint telling him that Sue is asking for him no answer, and not just that he blocked my number.

Every inch of wanted to go to his condo and demand to talk with me.

Even Perth blocked my number as if this between us should never have happened.

Most of the next three days went the same Saint didn't come to work and Sue was starting to demand answers as too. why when I was here he's not and when he's here I'm not. I can't tell I wanted to give him his space because we broke even though the press already knew that and plastered it all over magazines. 

"Zee, let me ask you something?" 

I had a good idea of where Sue was going with this. I just nod sitting next to her.

"What is really going on with you and Saint? He's always bubbly and happy, but lately, he's depressed, barely eating I'm scared he'll pass out." she spoke in a concerning voice told it was something serious and that she really was worried about him, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"I really don't know anything," 

Perth Pov

One month, one month since I saw that adorably happy face, one month since he told me to leave. Respecting his wishing, but I didn't think he'd block my number. I blocked Zee's after a while.

"Hey Perth ready to go on stage," Plan said, he's apologized several times, and Mean told me he actually felt bad for basically breaking us up. 

I couldn't hold it against him, we knew it would be bad to even try. 

Yesterday Mia called crying saying that Saint collapsed during filming and was hospitalized, she never messages back after that I called three times in the past two days and no answer. 

Running up the stairs to go on stage my phone in my pocket, stopping mid-way nodding to Gun give me a second.


'Is this Tanapon Sukumpantanasan?'


'Would you be able to come to the hospital today?'

"Yes, what the reason?"

'I can't disclose that over the phone, I'll look forward to seeing you.' 

He hung up the phone leaving me both worried and confused, Mia said Saint was in the hospital what if something was seriously wrong? No, his mom would call me if it was serious.

Our concert had barely ended when I bolted into my car speeding to the hospital. 

"I'm to meet with Dr." I rushed to the nurse's station, I'm not even sure if it's about Saint or what? I hate hospitals...

"Well,  Tanapon Sukumpantanasan, I call you in for a number of reasons," the dr said sitting at his desk, nearly ten minutes after I arrived.

"Your last check-up was two weeks ago correct?" shaking my head yes, I totally forgot I had a check-up done.

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