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Currently sitting up against the headboard deeply breathing, sweat pouring down my face. 

I'm home alone and my phone was downstairs, I woke up to a pulsing pain down my legs.

My water didn't break, but if I didn't get to the hospital soon I'm not sure what will happen.

"Ahhh, *hiss* Perth ... Where are y....ou?" If I couldn't army man crawl I would, but right now if I laid on my belly I would just spin in circles.

"Ok, Perth jr, hang in there, we still have a few weeks before you should arrive." I huffed, pushing my hips to the edge of the bed. 

As soon as my feet hit the floor my knees buckled.

"AHAAAAAAAAA" good thing I fell side ways.

(Knock Knock Knock)

"Help..." I screamed with all my might, whoever was at the door will save us.

(Sir, I live next door.)

"Mr. Ohm, I'm up here." I cried holding my belly, the pain seemed to intensify. 

"Oh, my Mr. Saint..." he rushed to my side, holding me upward onto his knees. 

"I think I'm.... heee whooo ... Ahhhhh"

"Labor?" nodding to his question.

He rushed laying me flat on the floor, my knees naturally pulled upward. 

"Did your water break?" shaking my head no... 


"I'm going to remove your pants and check to see if you've dilated"

My eyes locked on his...

Two things ran through my head.
1) How the hell does he know this stuff?
2) Does he realize I'm a man?

"SAINT...." his expression said everything...

"Oh no,"

"On three I need you to push, bear down, chin to chest"


"Harder Saint, push your baby out"

"Again," I was losing focus, not even sure how long I was pushing. 

"AHHHHHHAAAAAAAH... I'm ripping" 

"Heads out, next hard part shoulders you can do it, come on, 1-2-3, bear down, push, push...."

"AHHHHHHH Perth I'm going to KILL you..."

"WAAAAAAAA" the screams filled the room, I gave birth... I did it.

"Ok, let's get you guys cleaned up and off to the hospital."

"How did you know all this?"

"My husband gave birth 15years ago, I'll never forget delivery my own son on my birthday."

"Wow, amazing" I was so stuck on the baby being born on my birthday I didn't think about it. The baby came eight weeks early on Perth's birthday. 

I sat on the floor against the bed staring at the puddle of blood and water holding my baby who's wrapped tightly in a towel Mr. Ohm pulled me off to the side wrapping a sheet around my exposed body. 

"Natural male birth is almost as dangerous as natural women's birth, the only difference is where the baby comes out. You did a good job kid." The medics praised me as they walked into my room. 

I couldn't find the words to say thank you or anything. Basically, I was dazed. 

Mr. Ohm followed behind us and even rode in the transporter.

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