Years apart

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Saint Pov:

I'm so stupid, idotic choice. Why would I ever think that us being apart would change anything, not once did he call or text me. I made efforts and didn't get a reply.

Just call him, if he answers talk to him... if he doesn't answer than take that as a sign.

I'm currently sitting here staring at my phone, Mai told me to call him and see where things go... I broke down and told her about the strange dreams I've been having.  She said it was my brains way of telling me to choose a partner. She also said I should follow my heart and not my second had. 

That's not exactly easy when my second was currently on the deep end with any strong hot man I saw lately. 

Checking my phone, then putting it down, over ten times in the last fifteen minutes.

"You are getting on my nerves," Mia snapped grabbing my phone running off

"No, Mia don't call anyone" I warned, she only smile goofly and started scrolling through my contacts. I chased her through the down stair until she speaked the phone hearing that voice on the otherside stopped me dead in my tracks.


Mia hand me the phone than pat my back saying "Get him Dragon,"

'Hello Saint..."

"Uh.. Hi, are you?" I haven't tripped over my words in years how could this person have such an effect. 

'I'm ok, working and you?' his voice seem deeper

"Working too, I saw the new season... " I was pacing around in circles, chewing on my fingernails like a love crazed school girl. 

'Yea, am I doing good?' I bet he's wondering why would I call him after all this time and what could I want. 

"Oh yes... playing your role well" honestly he's playing that role perfectly, if I hate that role I didn't think I could cry on screen like that, I couldn't act that sad, I'd have to be actually sad. 

'It's easy to play the role that feels real... Hey I have to go call you later.' stunded by his words.

"Did he say what I think he said?" Mia snapped turning the corner from my kitchen, she stood there ease dropping again, why am I not surprise. 

"I don't know, I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed. Dinner is in the fridge." walking up the stairs tomy room, the vivit memory of that dream replayed. Shanking my head, I need to stop thinking about a fantasy. 

Most of the next week I spent working on this thing, that thing, just staying busy so my mind wouldn't wonder. I was stopped a few times, questions about Zee and I, even at the fanmeet. 

People want ships together because they get along well, but my heart can't love anyone else, I love Zee as just a brother or a close friend. Heart was stoling three years ago the day I meant my partner for Love By Chance. 

Working on Falling Leafs and otherside shows didn't give me the feelings working with Perth did. 

Taking a deep breath as I entered my condo, I seem to always come  home to an empty place. It's lonely... 

"Hello Saint..."

Turning to the voice, three people had spare keys to my condo. 

"I tried to call," he stood, the stands with his leg pointed outward. 

"Perth?" as if I was seeing things, is he relly here.

"I'm sorry I haven't checked my phone, why are you here?"

"Mia said you were sick and needed some soup."

"Thank you for coming, but I'm not sick and she's being a pain."

"I know you're not sick, but I wonder if you and that Zee do anything that we did or even more..." his voice trailed off at the end, he was jealous but trying to hide it. 

"No, I haven't..." bitting my lip from embarrassment he's really standing in my living room. 


"Not sure, I just don't having those kind of feeling for him..." playing with my fingers, not wanting him to see how nervous I was. 

"But you do for me right?" he said cutting me off from finishing my statement.

"Years later and I still think about that night at the hotel or the day in the bathtub, but Saint, I don't want to be gay..." he snapped huffing turning away from me then back. 

"Oh," that hurt, more than I though it would, as least his rejecting me to my face, not over the phone. 

"Don't look at me like that, I can't resist you, I don't know what to do?" he paced side to side,

"What will help you become clearer?" I have no idea why I asked that or what he would say in return.

"Your the first person I patted hair with, first person I kissed, the first to give me a blowjob, the first I gave a blowjob too, the first I touched there..." I turned away as he spoke, I had some many of his first, but no one noticed he was the first for a lot of things for me.

He stopped talking for a silent minute we stood quiet,  before I could speak he had my cheeks in his hands, looking deep into my eyes

"Saint, I want you to be the first to make love to you..." 

"No," I stun by my suddenly rejection, but I can't change a one time thing. I want a long lasting relationship. 

"I see, then" he nods walking to the door.

Stopping him taking his lips on a roller coaster like he did mine, 

"I don't want a one time thing... I want to be with you!"

He did speak another word, just pulling me closer into a loving hug so warm and deep. Our mouths danced to the music playing in our heads. 

Laying in bed, after a hot and heavy make out session we agreed tonight wasn't the night for us to do anything and that he wanted to take me back to the hotel that our first things happened. 

I'm looking forward to it, right now were laying in the bed with just boxers on watching Stranded. He was making a mess on the bed finding every reason he could to tickle me. This is what I've been looking for. 

Author Note:

So Saint choose Perth, this chapter was short, but next chapter will be juices and well worth the wait. 

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