Chapter VII

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Chapter 7: Fury

''Y/n!'' the girls tried to keep up with me when I rushed or practically stomped out of the police department with a furious look on my face. I wasn't going to let this slide so easily.

The girls had no choice but to follow me to the Bangtan's place. After all, it was over midnight, and we used a car to go to the destination. So we were far from the city.

'Y/n, slow down, please! Why can't we call someone to pick us up and take us there? I'm tired!''

I always think the best of my girls, and how much I wanted to just run to that dickhead's house, I had to listen to their requests. So I stopped walking and took my phone out of my pocket to call someone I knew.

We waited about ten minutes before I saw a familiar car pulling over, and we stepped in.

''What are you doing this far from home?'' the person asked, who happened to be one of my dear friends from the orphanage, Saebom.

''I will tell you later. Just drive us to Bangtan's house,'' I said.

Saebom doesn't usually argue back. This time it was no different. She turned the car around and started driving towards the city. But she is curious about why I want to visit them in the middle of the night, I'm sure of that.

And I'm also sure that I'll have to explain everything, from detail to detail, which worries me. Saebom is a bit older than me, and ever since we became friends, she has been like a big sister to me.

That is why I don't want to tell her now where we are coming from and why we are going to the Bangtan's house despite her knowing I despite Namjoon so much and overall the guys.

Saebom left us a little before Bangtan's house because I wanted her to. She didn't ask any questions knowing she would get answers eventually.

We watched her car's lights disappear to the horizon, and I was back into my furious state to destroy that man once and for all.

''Do you even have a plan to get there?'' Rosé asked.

''Pff, please, I get in so easily. No one is stopping me because I know Namjoon has still told the others to not touch or hurt me. He cares me that much.'' I explained and fake gagged.

I went to the door, and without knowing, I opened the big ass doors and welcomed myself in. I knew they weren't sleeping.

The men enjoyed drinks on their couches with a woman or not. I see Jin talking with a woman while sipping his cocktail and how Jungkook made out with someone.

''Where is he!?'' I yelled, making the rest who didn't notice me when I practically kicked the door open. "Where is that asshole?''

No one answered me, which made me angry.

I walked to Jungkook because he was the closest to me, and I grabbed his ear. It made him whine and fight back, but I held him back while holding onto his precious ear. ''Now, some of you tell me where that pig is!''

''No need to be so violent. Let Jungkook go.''

Finally, I heard Namjoon's voice and let go of Jungkook's ear. He fell dramatically on the ground holding onto his left ear. ''Mean,'' he mumbled.

''Why did you do it?'' I asked.

''Let's go talk privately in my room,'' he gestured.

''Oh, so you can trick me again about the pack we made? Or lie straight to my face as you have done in the past? I cannot believe I ever believed you!'' I yelled.

Namjoon's men didn't seem to be that affected by it because they most likely knew why I was there, but for any other outsider, I could see that they were a bit frightened by my yelling.

''Y/n, please somewhere else,'' Namjoon begged, and eventually, I agreed, but I insisted that my girls would come with me. He, fortunately, didn't have any argument on that.

However, he took his trusted men with us to his meeting room. I don't mind it.

Once we got inside his room and the door had been closed, I struck Namjoon with tiger's eyes, but Jin and Yoongi stepped in front of me. ''Let me kill him!''

My girls didn't try to stop me because they knew it wouldn't help.

''Why are you here?'' Namjoon asked, leaning onto his desk.

''Don't try to act dumb!'' I yelled. ''Why did you set us up like that? And then paying for our freedom? What do you want? I never asked anything from you!''

Namjoon was quiet for a while before he started walking towards me. Jin and Yoongi led him, and he was only inches from my face. He took my chin to his fingers and came even closer to whisper in my ear.

''It's a business, baby girl,'' he whispered, and I pushed his hand away.

''It's sick business! You made Daniel your main enemy now! You didn't bail his men out.'' I was trying to act serious, and I'd be lying if my heart didn't skip a beat for what he just did.

''I knew where I was getting into. I had to get you out of Daniel's control somehow,'' he answered.

So that's it? ''You made all this effort, risking us to the police to get me out of his lap? I'm not yours anymore, and I never will!''

At that, he laughed. ''You might not be mine, but it doesn't mean I can just watch you sleep with just anybody.''

He is making no sense right now. ''Then how you let me go and fuck your men then? How do you explain that?'' He knew I was mostly implying to Yoongi because I had been with him more than once.

With Jungkook, I wouldn't even count him. I took his virginity, and that's it. Wouldn't even call it sex if we were speaking seriously.

At first, I could see Namjoon's face twisting a little bit. He didn't like to be reminded about it.

''At least I know you've qualified lovers.''

I burst into a laugh. ''Qualified lovers? Lovers? What are you, 20? There is no love between us. It is simply having fun and pleasuring ourselves.''

''Farewell, always better for me,'' I didn't hear him murmuring the last words, but I just rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous. I came here to talk about things and not be questioned or bossed by my ex.

''Can you just tell me why you helped us and left Daniel's men to lick their wounds there?'' I was getting irritated. ''It isn't just because of me.''

''Why can't you believe me?'' Namjoon asked. ''I might not be able to tell you why I bailed you out right now, but I surely know one thing.

''You owe me.''

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