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warning: a little more swearing than usual. thanks for all the reads loves!xx

"Jc! Come on lets go!" my voice echoed through the cozy cabin. My parents had let us stay at the family cabin for our one month anniversary. I'm surprised Jc and I have already made through one month of us at each others' throats. My parents seem to like Jc too. A lot actually, but I'm sure they'd take Kian over him faster than you can say bingo.

We were just about to explore the outside snow, but Jc has been taking the longest bath ever. He's almost a freaking grown man, and he still can't decide what bath bomb to pick out at the mall. Eventually, he ends up getting all of them and says he will store them. Mean while, to speed things up, I always tell him that he can find me mingling in the food court with hot guys. That excuse always works, trust me.

"Hold on I'm comin'!" he steps out of the bathroom drying his floppy hair and with my robe on. My robe was so small on him, that it ended at the top of his thighs. But he always insist on wearing it because It's so soft and smells like me. Then there's me, wearing his. When I wear it, it reaches my ankles and I have to roll the sleeves up to the point were it looks like I'm wearing floaties around my wrist. I can't complain though, Jc's scent is pretty great...

Finally, Jc and I set out on our hike. It was colder up here than I expected. Oh! Did I forget to mention, we had choice between here and the beach house in Hawaii. I know right! But Jc refused and said he wanted to experience the cabin instead.

"Wow, it sure is cold out here," Jc breathed out clouds. He kept a firm purchase on my hand as we climbed through the snow.

"I knew we should have picked Hawaii you big doofus," I laughed and shoved him over. He over-dramatically tripped over all the snow and pulled me down onto him. His beautiful laugh joined mine as we layed there in the snow. I'd kill to hear his laugh all the time; there is something about it that just makes you want to laugh too. Do I sound crazy? Or am I just obsessed with my boyfriend's cuteness.

Jc cuddled me close for warmth. I pressed my thin, cold lips to his warm, plump ones. He smiled into the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks as we stared at each other. I think we both have already had enough outside time, and I'm just looking forward to cuddling underneath a heated blanket.

Two hours later, and we are still being lazy asses. Jc's arms were curled around me while he lightly snored. I, on the other hand, was on my phone texting Cam. He pretty much comes around all the time now even without Matt there. Like now, he's over my house with my parents. He's basically the second son they always wanted. It's probably Cam's way with words; he's always so smoothe with people and never lashes out. That is if he isn't mad. But Cam seems to always be in a decent mood even if things aren't always okay. That makes me wonder how mad he actually gets when he is seriously so upset. That's because we barely are ever mad at each other, and he never reacts harshly when we aren't talking. I literally love that kid to death. Bestfriends since we were 10. It's kinda ironic how he was my first kiss considering he never liked me (that's what I'm surmising atleast).

The first thing never occurred to me as being a big deal, but I guess it was. Story time shall we. Back when I was a freshman, I had just started talking to Kian...

"So, Cam, you're a senior, can you give me some advice?" I asked Cam.

"Sure, shoot."

"So you know how I've been kinda seeing Kian lately, that Sophomore? Well I think we might become serious soon, nd' I'm just not so sure about things," I told him honestly.

"What things?" he brushed a hair out of my face,

"This is so embarrassing, I'm gonna sound like such a loser," I hid my face with my hands, not to mention I had a big sweatshirt on, and the sleeves covered my hands. Now that I look at this hoodie, I'm pretty sure this is Cam's considering is says Dallas on the back.

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