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I swung my backpack onto the other shoulder and ran a hand through my hair. She's won't get out of my mind. Those perfect emerald green eyes. Her shiny, dirty blonde hair. The way she walked with a-What's happening to me? Turning down every girl or use them and now I have to chase after Ali? This all seems too new. I've never been rejected just to even talk.

I passed her several times in the hallway trying to say hi, but she acted like I didn't exist. Why do I like her so much? I barely know her. I barely know myself anymore.
I dragged myself out into the parking lot. I spotted my car and strolled over to it keeping my head down. Normally, I would be talking to everybody, but today I've felt so rejected. I finally find someone in interest and she hates me. Do I really give her such a bad impression? I can't wait to get this year over with and go to college. Only 5 more months.

I sat in my car just taking in everything. Now everyone thinks I'm desperate and my friends called me a loser when I told them. I was about to punch Kian at that moment but I kept it to myself. I looked up at the grass in the front of my high school and there she stood outside frantically calling someone. She picked up her stuff and started to walk. There's no way I'm letting that happen. I quickly started the car and slowly drove over to her. Ali rolled her eyes at me and I put the window down.
"Need a ride?" I smugly smiled.
"Jc I appreciate it, but I'm okay." she reasoned.
"Ali, c'mon, am I really that bad?" I questioned.
"I don't get into other people's cars." she stated.
"Ok." I drove away and parked my car again. I leaped out of my seat carefully locking the doors.
"I'm walking with you."
"Jc please, really I'm ok," she pleaded.
I didn't say anything and just began to follow her.
"Okay Jc, but the walk to my house it pretty far," she sighed.
I couldn't help but crack a smile. She's finally accepting me.
She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me.

"This is my house," she huffed.
I parted my lips in awe and admired the big beautiful house that sat up upon a large hill followed by the longest driveway I'd ever seen.
"You live h-here?" I was in so much shock. She crossed her arms and gave me a 'duh' look. Just then, a pudge lady strolled down the hill wearing maid's attire.
"Ou! Alison! Welcome home! How was school?" She cheered.
"Fine Francesca," Ali forced a smile onto her face.
"And you must be one of Ali's friends?" She looked towards me.
"Ye-" Ali cut me off. "He's just an acquaintance."
"Well, show your, uh, er, acquaintance around," she stumbled on words and smiled warmly continuing her maid duties.
We walked up the long driveway tiredly.
"I hate this house," Ali muttered as she took another big step.
"What was that? You've got the life Ali, I mean look at this place!" I awed.
"You wouldn't understand," she mumbled once again. I decided to drop it there since she doesn't seem in the mood.
"My parents should be home shortly which means you have to get out soon," she huffed as we almost reached the end.
"Why?" I asked simply.
"Because," she took a deep breath. "Their moto is, 'no distractions equals good grades and good college' they just want me to carry the family business that I want nothing to do with. They could just buy me my way into the most expensive college if they had to!" She ranted.
These people are made of gold, she had no reason to complain.
I kinda just nodded my head to change the subject. When Ali unlocked the double doors, I was speechless. Her house was beyond fancy. Everything was so expensive. Everything down to the plant vase crusted with gold around the edges.
"Hello," Ali rolled her eyes for the countless time.
"Uh, sorry," I snapped my mouth closed.
"Well, you can leave now if you like," she suddenly sounded on edge frantically checking the time. Her phone read 4:29. Had it really taken us 2 and a half hours to walk here?
"5,4,3," ali silently counted down. "2,1."
And then the garage door rolled up.
"Punctual as always," she crossed her arms. "Now you get out."
"Maybe I should meet your family, you know?"
She laughed and began to push on me, "uh, you already met the house maid, that's good enough."
Then the sound of keys were plunged into the side door.
"Hurry! Run up to my room, last door on the left, and climb down the balcony!" She frantically pushed me out. I could hear her parents briefly greet her as I trudged up the stairs as quiet as possible. They didn't seem to hug-almost as if her parents didn't care. I'm reading too much into this. I brushed those thoughts from my mind and focused on my main conflict. To get out of this house efficiently.
I came to the top of the spiral staircase, or should I say one of the spiral staircases, and looked right and left. Did she say right? Or maybe it was left? This thing is huge there technically could be two right and lefts!
Just then I heard heels click to the bottom of the stair case. Her mom! Shit!
I jumped into the nearest door and prayed that she didn't need to retrieve anything in what seems to be this coat closet. I could hear her softly humming outside the door. She passed me and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.
"Can you grab my leather jacket?" Someone faintly screamed from downstairs.
"Sure thing!" Her mom, now outside the door screamed.
"Mom! Mom! Wait! Uh, lemme get it for dad! You work too hard! Go downstairs relax!" Ali climbed the stairs like an animal. I took in a silent breath. It smelled like new everything in there.
I heard her heels click down the stairs and let out a sigh of relief. Ali saved me. She flew open the door.
"Jc! Get out! You're lucky I saw you rush in here!" She whisper hollered.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't find your room and I panicked." I explained at a whisper.
"Just get out of the closet." Her face went straight again.
I obliged and she took me to the left all the way down and opened the door to what seems to be her room. As expected, gorgeous everything. Lots of white and diamonds everywhere.
Before I could admire anymore, she shoved me towards the balcony.
"Duck if you cross by any windows, ok?" She seemed a little happy as a smirk tugged at the ends of he lips. It quickly disappeared as I could almost observe her mind flooding with bad thoughts over the one good one that popped up.
"Seeya Ali," I kissed her cheek. She tensed but soon recovered.
"Bye Jc, this wasn't too bad." she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. She quickly looked stunned by her actions as was I. I didn't mind it, I liked it, but I wasn't expecting her of all people to make the first move. That must have been what she was thinking about.

Once I reached the edge of her neighborhood, I began to think. I'm letting my gaurd down too easily. I can't let people know how easily melt by her touch. I gotta find a way for people not to notice.

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