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Friday, Friday, oh ole' Friday. The day I've been anticipating since Monday. This week has been hell inside, but the only thing I show people is smiles and hugs.

I stuck the last pin in my hair and grabbed my purse. I must admit, I look pretty decent for this dinner. Kian should be here in a couple minutes.

I kissed my parents goodbye and ran outside to greet Kian.

I plopped down in the passenger seat of his car. We both leaned over the center console and gave each other a quick peck.

"You look great, Button," Kian smiled at me intertwining our hands.

"Thanks, you look good yourself, Lawley."

I feel kinda bad for using Kian. He's actually really sweet to me.

We pulled up to the restaurant and the waiter led us outside to a private area.

I was a little shocked when we turned the corner to find Chloe and Jc completely sucking face. They pulled away a couple minutes after we sat down and Jc shot me a devil grin.

"Sorry about that, guys. We had some business goin' on," Jc kept his eyes on me.

He had another thing comin' from me.

"Oh no, Jc. You guys are perfectly ok. Sorry for being a little late. Kian and I had some fun in the parking lot," I lied giving him a sarcastic, warm smile knowing I had won.

Kian tapped me under the table and gave me an amused smile. It probably looked like to Jc that Kian was thinking about what we had done together, but in reality, it was just his way of showing me that he was gonna play along with my little act.

"We might have to leave early today. Ali and I have some business to take care of when we get home," Kian played along.

Jc's face dropped, and I quietly highfived Kian under the table.

"Kian! That's personal matter, don't embarrass me!" I continued playing along and hid my face in his shoulder.

"You're so cute," he kissed my temple.

Now it was really time to make Jc go through the roof.

I lifted my head up to meet his eyes. We pressed our lips together and soon enough we were the ones sucking face.

Jc kicked Kian under the table noticeably.

"Sorry, bro, didn't know you were there," Jc lied gritting his teeth together. He obviously, purposely kicked him if you couldn't tell already.

I just noticed that Chloe was pretty silent.

"So, Chloe, how'd you and Jc come to be?" I asked actually interested.

"Oh, Jc and I have always been right for each other," she flashed me her friendly smile.

That bitch. She knows she's getting to me.

I was about to snap back, but the waitress saved us.

"Sorry for the wait. What would you like to drink?" She pulled out her notepad.

Jc ordered a sweetened tea, and skinny-miny Chloe ordered water.

"I'll have a coke and a sprite for my girl," Kian answered for me remembering my favorite drink.

Jc sent me daggers from across the table. He needs to grow up and learn the maybe actually Kian cares about me unlike him.

I offered Kian a real, bright smile. No matter what, he'd always be special to me.

The waitress went away, and Kian and Chloe went to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure Chloe just has to fix her make up, but Kian wanted me and Jc to talk.

I rolled my eyes and looked down avoiding Jc staring into my eyes. I draped my arms across the table and rested my head on the edge. I wasn't even paying attention to Jc's personal space across from me.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my hands.

"Hey, don't look down, Ali," he softly spoke almost in a caring manner.

I lifted my head, "Since when have you cared?"

"Even though we aren't together doesn't mean I don't care about you."

My heart swelled. I was happy, but confused. Didn't we just basically low key argue?

"How could you? I suck," I laughed and put my head back down not releasing my hands from his.

Jc was silent for a minute, "What happened to us? Ali, I did and still do low key love you? Why couldn't we just start over?"

But it was too late before I could answer because Kian and Chloe came back. I pulled my hands away before they could see.

Jc offered me a half smile, and we all began to talk normal conversation.

It's almost ten, and Kian just dropped me off. I'm satisfied with what had went on tonight. I guess you could say I do still feel for Jc. He's too adorable with that cute smile of his.

The next morning, I just wanted to lay in bed all day. My feelings are just so confusing. I like Cam, no I like Jc, but oh wait Kian. Ughhhhhh...

I picked up my phone to see one new message from Cam.

Hey Beautiful

Since when was he being so friendly?

Um... Hi Cam

I still felt weird about him saying that we'd never date.

What's wrong bbydoll

Ok now I really think he's caught a head cold.

Since when did 'this' happen?

I questioned waiting for his answer.

What silly

There he goes with it again!

You being all cute with me

I was really confused. I thought he made it clear that me and him were friends.

He responded.

Oh since I found out that I love you

hey sorry i didn't update sooner. i have volleyball everyday after school for two and a half hours. hope you enjoyed, five votes next chap? happy early valentine's day!xx

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