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ok the picture attached is literally adorable. :( makes me wanta cute relationship. who am I kidding? #foreveraloneteam

I wipe the stray tear from my face.

How could I let someone in to my life again after they've already hurt me? Maybe Jc was lying, maybe Kian is just a dick? Yeah, I'm going with option two.

Jc couldn't have lied to me because as soon as he saw the tear slide down my face, he jumped from his spot with his face dropping. I don't think he intended to hurt me, he just wanted to get back at me for earlier.

Currently, I'm in my room with no one home, curled up in a knit blanket, and surround by used tissues.

I hate Kian so much for doing this to me. I always thought he would be the furthest from hurting me two years ago. Now he's hurt me the most. How could I fall in love with such a person?

I don't want to see anybody right now. Not even Matt; and Matt had always held me when I cried. He'd beat the living shit out Kian if he heard about this.

I close my eyes to try to suppress the thumping headache I have.

Just as I was beginning to sober up from my crying, a slight knock came from my balcony window. I glance over my blanket to see Jc standing there with a bag and a sad, small, smile.

I motion for him to come in.

At first, I felt awkward, but since Jc is Mr. Popular, he knows how to get passed it.

"Hey, sorry about earlier," he pauses and sits on my bed and pulls out a random candle from the bag and sets it on my nightstand. "How ya' feelin?"

I look at him like he's an idiot with horns. I know he's just trying to help, but I'm just in that mood where you're like fuck-everything-I-hate-you.

"Like a total idiot," I try to bite back my inpatient growl. "He played me like a pin ball machine? I'm such and idiot..."

I begin to break down into sobs again. Jc scoots closer to me and lays a comforting hand on my back.

"He's a real jerk you don't deserve," he rubs my back comforting. "Heck, I'm a jerk you don't deserve."

Most girls would tell him a lie and have that heart to heart telling him he's great like you see in the movies, but this ain't no movie and I'm not most girls. "Damn right you're a smug jerk."

"A hot jerk," Jc flashed me his trademarking smirk.

I lightly slapped him on the arms and laughed.

"You're smiling, that's a good thing."

I roll my eyes and smile wider. "You really know how to make me believe that you actually don't hate me."

"I could never hate you," Jc smiled. "Come on, tell me you never thought that I hated you?"

"I'd like to say no to that," I laughed.

Jc got up and layed on the mini couch a few feet from my bed. He stared at the ceiling with his arms behind his head.

"So, tell me everything. I am the love doctor you know."

"Yeah, more like the devil's receptionist," I snorted an unattractive laugh.

Jc laughed off my comment and continued, "How about I tell you everything I know about the situation?"

I let out a groan to tell him to keep going.

"So it was winter break, and I threw my classic holiday blow out. I invited practically everyone. Towards the end, me, Kian, Cameron, Nash, Chloe, Matt and a couple other girls went upstairs. We all decided to play truth or dare. Not to mention they were all drunk af; me, not so much. So anyways, Cameron slurs and dares Kian to make you fall in love with him again. Now, I know what you're thinking, but let me back track. Cameron got a truth from Nash saying 'who are you crushing on?' and Cameron said you and started to describe how perfect you were. Meanwhile, Kian starts to build up anger in his drunken state. He unleashes on Cameron and starts to tell him to stay away and a bunch of stuff. Cameron's also drunken state acts on impulse and says 'fine I dare you to make Ali fall again.' And now, as we sit here, this is why everything happened. It's all a big chain."

I lay there stunned trying to process all of it.

"That's not all though," Jc continues. "Later on after you and Kian started dating, Kian met me one night and basically said if I told you about this stupid dare that I wouldn't wake up the next morning. I guess after he realized how great you were he wanted to forget about the dare. That isn't a bad thing, but he should have been honest with you. Now, I kinda betrayed Kian today because... I'm a little jealous of what he has..." Jc trails of at the end. So Jc does think about me as much as I think about him.

"Let me continue, me and you broke up because of those stupid text. Turns out Kian and Chloe were behind it. Chloe was helping him out with the dare, but what she really wanted was for us to break up so she could have me. Well I dumped her like fly. The dinner was staged to make you jealous. Sorry about that by the way. And here I am now, trying to redeem myself for being the biggest prick in the world. I only did it because I really really like you, Ali. But I know that if you're not constantly trying to burn me with a comback in a fight, you won't give me the time of day. That's really why I've been such a jerk."

I didn't even say anything. I just got up and layed down on him as we held each other. It's was a comforting silence. Tears stung my eyes, but I fell asleep in Jc's warm presence too fast to even let them fall.


All is well at school, except for the fact it's like yesterday didn't even happen. Jc and I have returned to our rivalry. It's like all those things were in my imagination? Cue the spongebob meme. He said he liked me and then now we are back to stage one.

He won't even make full eye contact with me; he stares at my forehead the entire time or not at all.

I go into my first class, the one with the project. Hopefully I can magically get sick and go home. I really don't want to work on this stupid civics project with the biggest asshole on the block.

I take my seat; miraculously the desk are set up to face your partner.

"Begin by constructing a representation of the scene you're assigned," the teacher groans and slumps back to his desks.

Jc's already chatting up a storm with the guys next to us. So far I've done everything.

"Why don't you shut your big mouth up and actually help me with this project!" I snapped at him.

"Nah, I think I'll let the dork do all this stuff. They like this kinda stuff right?" He chuckled dryly.

I slumped in my seat. "Can't we just do this?"

"I said you do it bitch. I don't have time for this kind of junk," he cockily said. He's such a jerk; why do I get so tricked by this group of boys?

"Chill out, man..." Sam said beside him in a whisper manner.

"I thought you cared..." I muttered softly. But not soft enough because he heard me.

"Since when? Guys like me don't care for girls like you. Never have, never will."

Tears pricked my eyes. I hate everyone and everything. Why do I care what he thinks? Maybe because now I've wasted so much of my life on this stupid drama. I just want out of it all.

I don't even have anyone to turn to. Obviously not Kian because he played me. Jc is just the problem. Cameron was in on the dare. Chloe, Nash, and Matt all knew what was going on and never stopped me from being heartbroken.

I stood up and picked up my stuff blinking away my tears.

"Hey, Mr, Bayes, I'm feeling a bit sick in my stomach. Do you think I could leave early?"

"Sure, Ali. Hope you feel better."


As soon as I hit the seat of my car, the tears pored out. It may seem like I'm overreacting, but I feel like I can trust no one. Everybody that said they cared, doesn't. I barely even like my parents for gods sake.

I hit my head against the steering wheel and continued to cry.

Someone tapped on my window. I rolled it down.

"You look like you need a friend?"

I nodded cautiously.

"Well, hi, I'm Ricky Dillon, nice to meet you."

hope you liked it. trying to update faster. ps the dress is blue and black. if you know what im talking about, we both need to get a life.

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