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Should I delete this story?

Sorry sorry sorry that I haven't updated sooner. I'm gonna soon I promise lol I'm working on it but can you guys leave me suggestions and stuff because I feel like this sucks now and it took a wrong turn. I just idk but on the bright side I've been working on a new story but I haven't published any chapters yet Bc I don't know if anyone's even gonna read it.

I kinda based it around my life. Like its my friends and actually them and there traits and I just feel like that ones SO MUCH better than this one. The only thing I'm changing in the new one kinda bases around my life is me, I didn't use my name or anything and

Obviously I have no chances with the Justin man but what was I suppose to do.

But, I mean just leave suggestions and feedback for me plzzz Bc I don't know is I should just delete this or not?

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