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Mew was shocked when he heard the news that Gulf was pregnant. "But doctor how can a male get pregnant." Mew asked the doctor. "It is very rare case and your husband is the lucky one."

Mew was soo happy that he rushed to the room and sat beside Gulf who was lying on bed peacefully. Mew held his hand and said: "I am sorry, I couldn't be with you earlier but now.... I promise that I will never leave you alone. I was acting like an idiot....I am sorry na~. I love you and I promise to give our baby everything they need." Mew had tears in his eyes. He kissed Gulf's hand and then Gulf slowly moved his eyelashes. Gulf opened his eyes.

*Gulf's POV*
I opened my eyes and I saw Mew infront of me who was holding my hand. I realized that I was in a hospital. I had a terrible pain in my head maybe because I hit my head on table when I fainted. Mew was crying.... am I going to die?! Or maybe I have a cancer or something. Mew noticed that I was awake.
"Gulfie, are you ok?" Mew asked
"Yes I am ok but why are you crying... and are you still mad about what I did. I am sorry for everything. I didn't wanted to say that and you can tell everyone that we are married. I won't complain about anything... please don't get mad at me na~" Gulf said with tears in his eyes and then Mew suddenly hugged Gulf and said: "Calm down, it's not okay for your health. I am not mad at you, My love. You don't have to be sorry."

"What do you it's not okay for my health?" Gulf was confused.
"You are....pregnant and before you say something like males don't get pregnant let me tell you it is very very rare and I am proud that you are the lucky one. I don't care What the society thinks about us. I just care about you and our baby. I just need your support. So, will you support me!?"

"I am the one who is pregnant so I should be the one to ask you this. Will you support me?"

"Of course, I will support you forever and ever."

Gulf felt relief. They went home. Gulf texted techno and told him everything. Techno was soo excited. He is going to be uncle. Gulf kept hugging Mew. Mew was so happy. He was ready to give his everything for Gulf and the baby. Gulf slept peacefully on his husband's chest. Mew carried him and took him to the bed. He slept beside Gulf. He kissed Gulf's forehead and his tummy.

Gulf woke up first. Mew looks so cute when he sleep. Gulf softly kissed Mew on his lips but Mew woke up. "It is not good to steal a kiss from someone. If you want I can wash you with my kisses." Mew said in a seductive voice. "What a pervert." Gulf pushed Mew but Mew was so huge that he didn't even moved. Mew slowly leaned towards him and kissed him on lips. Gulf kissed him back.They broke the kiss only when they needed to breathe. They both were happy. Gulf hugged him and Mew rested his head on Gulf head. Mew put his hands on Gulf's belly and said: "Mommy and daddy are waiting for you, little one. I know the world is cruel but I promise your daddy will protect you from everything."

It was hard for Gulf to go the university because many students make fun of him but Mew, techno and Lhong protected him. Mew would kill them with his eyes. Mew never left Gulf alone and if he had to go somewhere Mew would make sure that Lhong or Techno is with Gulf. Gulf was feeling so protected. Techno and Lhong are always ready to punch anyone who teases Gulf about his pregnancy. They always make sure that Gulf feels comfortable.

*Mew's POV*
I am glad about the baby but I hate to see Gulf rushing to bathroom every morning and Gulf always craves for something weird like ice-cream with orange juice, that's so weird and sometimes he wants fish with mayonnaise, that's eww but he says that he didn't wanted it but the baby wanted to eat those things. He looks cute when he makes these excuses. He is still a baby I don't know how I will handle two babies. I hate when someone looks at Gulf like they are seeing a ghost. I always take him to his favorite place. I make sure that he isn't stressed.

Mew and Gulf went to check up. They checked up the heartbeat of the baby. Gulf was crying because of happiness. Mew held his hands and told him that everything is okay. Mew was proud that he is going to be a father. He can do everything thing for his babies. The only thing he could feel was "happiness"

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