Prologue: The Prince, the Tiger, and the Shadow

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Chapter 1


Teiko Middle School Basketball Club — an incredibly strong team with one hundred members and three consecutive championship wins. Amongst their brilliant record, the generation of five prodigies was known as the Generation of Miracles. They were known throughout the basketball society and there wasn't a person that hasn't heard about the team. But before there was the Kiseki no Sedai, there was once a player that stood above all.He was rumored to be stronger than Teiko Middle School's ace Aomine Daiki and is scouted from various schools that wanted to have him. He was at the peak of the spotlight before he was known to have disappeared and was never heard from again. Until years later...


The bustling of the students around the campus did not hinder his path towards the basketball booth. He casually glided around the crowds without much effort, earning squeals here and there from the female crowd and awed stares from the males. He, Ichinose Hiroto searched for the booth with his light orange eyes before it caught a glimpse of a light-bluish hair. He caught the student that crashed into him to prevent him from falling.The stranger stared at him, light-blue eyes meeting his. Hiroto, a bit taller than the student, concernedly asked if he was alright. He student seemed to have been on a trance before his countenance quickly turned blank and he bowed as he apologized. Hiroto, being the understanding person that he is, gave the student a smile.

"It's no problem, be careful next time okay?" He patted the student heartily, bowed at him and quickly turned to go to where he saw the map of the school was. The stranger kept his eyes upon the retreating back of the kind person and silently went to follow him.Hiroto's smile bloomed when he reached the map of the school as it stood in a corner of another booth and he checked for a name he was looking for. There it was the basketball booth. He set the course to his destination, and upon his way, he heard two upperclassmen offering flyers to join the basketball team and his grin widened at their familiar faces but he chose not to go to them instead went his way to where he knew they will be waiting.


Aida Riko pouted as she compiled the registration forms in her hands."Just a few more would be nice." she sighed sadly as her companion, the captain of the basketball team, Hyuuga Junpei took a sip from his cup and turned to her."We couldn't even get ten." Riko smiled, that didn't get her down, after all they were just getting started. She was sure there will be a lot more promising students that'll join well, that is if they win the Inter-High and the Winter Cup they'll be a big deal starting the next year."I wonder how the recruitment is going. I hope they'll find someone really promising." she had this dreamy look in her eyes before a shadow covered her face."Can I become that, Senpai?" Riko blinked at the newcomer in front of her and immediately her eyes turned into a huge heart. Hyuuga blanched at her reaction and turned to glare at the obviously new student in front of them. 'So tall!' was his first reaction. He is obviously 6'0" tall and what pissed Hyuuga off all the more is his face.

This guy is what he would like to call an ikemen (good-looking guy) with his gorgeous orange hair that framed his pale face, smiling happily them and of course, seeing as he had caught Riko's eyes, it aggravated the Captain all the more."Uh — um...and you would be?" Riko stuttered as she kept her eyes on the new student. Oh my god, he was hot! Wait, she did not think just think of that! Calm down Riko Unaware of her inner turmoil, the stranger's smile widened.

"Ah. Forgive my rudeness. My name is Ichinose Hiroto, and I would like to join the basketball club." Riko blinked owlishly at the name. It sounded incredibly familiar to her but she couldn't pinpoint where she had heard it before. But at the prospect of getting this ridiculously handsome boy to join the club, Riko closed her dropped jaw and gladly handed the student a form.

"Ah! Then welcome! Welcome!" Riko smiled as the stranger sat on the chair provided on the other side of their table and watched as he wrote his name down."I'm sure you know, but our school just formed last year." At the information, Hiroto grinned and it melted Riko's heart all the more. How cute! Hiroto gently handed over the form to her with a bright smile.

"Don't worry Senpai. I'll make sure you'll not regret having me as a team member." Hiroto's orange eyes gleamed with promise and something else that Riko could not decipher. With that, Hiroto bowed respectfully at his upperclassmen and left, softly whistling a gentle tone."Wow, what a weird fellow." Hyuuga mumbled. Riko just nodded in response, turning her eyes upon the paper given to her and checked the info given. Name is Ichinose Hiroto and his previous school is...

"EH?!" Hyuuga jerked at the brunette's squeal, raising a brow at Riko in confusion but she is too focused upon the paper on her hands to actually notice him.Riko contemplated this new development in excitement. She remembered now, where she had heard his name before. She had heard her father say his name a few times before when he was bragging about a really talented player who was only a middle schooler before.

She had also seen him featured a lot of times in the Monthly Basketball Magazine a few times when she was still in middle school and it interested her —no— she even idolized him and to think he was actually enrolled in their school now after a few years of absence. Ichinose Hiroto, known to many as the Elusive Prince is back. How and why, will remain to be unseen.

Riko snapped out of her trance when their teammate, Koganei Shinji appeared in front of them in tears, bringing over another student that would change all their lives, as well as the other student who in spite of what was happening with Riko and red-haired student, glanced over a form in interest, unseen by the people chattering just next to him. His light-blue eyes quickly scanned his name, school and his goal. He didn't regret coming in this school after all, here in Seirin High School, things are really going to get a little be continued...

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