Chapter 14

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~~~~~~1 month later~~~~~~
"Ok guys I'm going over to Jorge's!" I yelled as I left. They all tried to convince me not to go, but I had to see Jorge. I would have texted him, but Mikey broke my phone when he threw a water ballon at me. My phone stopped working. Then I gave Mikey a shell wedgie as revenge.

I rode my motorcycle to Jorge's and parked it in the alley. Then climbed up the fire escape. I got to Jorge's apartment, and was about to knock on the window, when I got the feeling I was being watched. I looked around and finally told myself I was being paranoid. I knocked on the window.

"Hola Victoria, you know you could have used the front door," he said.

"Yeah, but how much fun would that be?" I said climbing in. I shut the window and turned to find Jorge digging through a black bag.

"Is that..."

"Food!" He said cutting me off. I rolled my eyes, I've always wondered how he wasn't fat. The little Mexican could eat.

"Typical, hey did you read the note?" I asked

"Yeah, about that." He started," is it the truth, because mutant turtles and evil Shredder people doesn't sound realistic?"

"Yea it's true, why would I lie to you," I looked at him. He looked at me and then his eyes flickered to the window, then widened. I turned to see a very pissed looking Raph. Thud! Jorge fainted.

"Raph, what are you doing here!" I said opening the window. He climbed in.

"You told him about us!" He yelled. Wait... How did he know?

"Were you listening to us?" I said equally as mad.

"Maybe, but that's not important! Why did you tell him about us?" He demanded.

"He's my best friend! I couldn't lie to him!" I shouted. Raph paced around the room.

"The guys are gonna be mad." He said looking at Jorge, who was on the ground.

"Please don't tell them. Look I trust him, he wouldn't tell anyone!" I said. Jorge started to wake up. I ran over to him and helped him up. He looked at Raph, then at me.

"You weren't joking?" Jorge said."this is so..." I bit my lip. Raph growled."amazing!"

Raph looked confused," Ya aren't scared of me?"

"Why your a talking turtle, that's amazing!" Jorge said."Sorry I didn't believe you." He turned to me.

"Uh, Jorge, this is Raph, Raph, Jorge" I introduced them. Jorge said hello, and Raph grunted.

"Listen, Raph call the others tell them to come over, I'll tell them." I said.

"Others?" Jorge said.

"Yep." Was I'll I said.

Half an hour later a very unhappy looking Leo, and Donnie showed up. Mikey on the other hand looked as happy as ever.

"Hey guys," I said as they climbed in. Jorge stared in amazement. The turtles all looked at Jorge, then at me.

"What's going on Victoria?" Leo asked.

"Umm, I may or may not have told Jorge about you guys," I said quietly.

"What!!" Shouted Leo and Donnie. Mikey shouted,"cool another human friend!" They glared at Mikey.

"Look we can trust him, he is my best human friend," I said.

Leo sighed.

"Master Splinter isn't going to be too happy," Donnie said.

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