Chapter 10

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I woke up, in my room? I got up and got hit with a wave of nausea. I almost threw up, but held it in.

I carefully, walked to the couch. I laid down and closed my eyes for a while. Slowly, the effects of the dart were fading away.

"Nice to see ya out and about," Raph said walking over.

"Yep, the effects of that dart better be gone soon, cause I gotta go and buy Jorge a motorcycle he wanted for his birthday," I said. I sat up.

"When's his birthday?" Raph asked.

"Monday, same as mine, only he's a year older," I said.

"Oh, hey do ya think ya can tell me about your freaky dreams now?" He asked.

"I guess," I said, "ok, where do I start..."

After I told everything, he stayed silent.

"Well?" I asked.

"What?" He said.

I was a bit annoyed, he asks me about this serious topic and h has nothing to say! Typical Raph.

"Nothing, just forget it," I said, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What? I'm not good at this stuff!" He protested.

"Its fine," I grumble.

Raph just stomped away to the dojo.


I got back with the Harley motorcycle a few hours later. The dart effects had finally worn off, and I got the ok from doctor Donnie. So I had left to get the gift.

I rode it through the secret entrance, and parked it by the Shell Raiser.

"I'm back!" I called out as I entered the lair.

"Victoria! We were just getting ready for training," Leo said.

"Cool, I'm gonna join ya," I said, I walked into the dojo and sat down beside Mikey.

"My sons and Victoria, today you are to spar... me," he added at the end.

"Are you sure sensei? It seems pretty unfair," Leo said.

"Not everything is fair, my son," Splinter said.

All the guys went up first, they got brutally beat. It was my turn.

I took my stance.

"Hajime!" Splimter said.

We circled each other for a while. Then he lunged, I flipped out of the way. I got up and ducked as Splinter threw a hit at me. I threw a few at him, but he blocked them all. Of course Splinter ended up winning, he kicked me to the wall, but one things for sure. I lasted way longer than the guys.

"Yame!" Splinter said. I bowed and took my place beside Mikey.

"Victoria, I am impressed. You lasted a while against me, but you lack the ability to study your opponent during a fight," Splinter said.

"Yes Sensei, but it's kind of hard to study the person trying to take you down anyway they can," I said.

"The only reason it is hard is because you make it hard. In between attacks study your opponent, but remain alert. Do your understand," Splinter said.

"Hai, sensei," I said.

We were dismissed. I went to my room and caught up on all the work I had for school.


"Hey, Victoria!" I heard someone yell. I was grabbing some pizzas from Antonio's for the turtles.

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