Chapter 5

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We got back to the lair. Master Splinter was pretty mad. Let's just say, we are all grounded for a week.

After I explained what had happened, Splinter thought for a minute.

"Shredder is an enemy who doesn't stop until he gets what he wants. He will surely try to persuade you to join him. I hope you have made a choice as to who you are loyal to," Splinter said.

"Yes, he killed my mother, there is no way I will ever join him. Family or not," I said.

"Very well, my sons tomorrow you are to clear out an extra room for Victoria, I imagine she will be staying here for a while," Splinter said, then headed back to his room.

"Well, I'm beat," Raph said, he left for his room.

"Victoria, I'm going to need another blood sample to analyze," Donnie said.

"Sure, do you think that I'm going to be able to control my powers?" I asked.

"Sure, with a bit of practice, you'll be fine," Donnie said.

Leo and Mikey went to their rooms.

After Donnie took some blood, I crashed onto the couch.


"Wake up," a voice said. I groaned.

"No, five more minutes..." I said.

"Well you asked for it," it said.

I fell back asleep, but only for a few minutes. Someone dumped water all over me.

"What, huh? Who?!?" I said shooting up. My clothes soaking wet.

I saw Raph grinning, holding a bucket.

"You, little idiot," I lunged at him and tackled him. We wrestled around on the ground, until I managed to pin him down. "I win."

I got up. Raph muttered something about letting me win.

"Listen, I need someone to come with me to get stuff from my apartment," I said.

"I'll go, Leo is mediating, Donnie's in his lab, and Mikey is well Mikey," Raph said.

"Sure, whatever," I shrugged, we headed topside.

Once I got to my apartment window, I opened it and slipped inside. Raph waited in the fire escaped. I grabbed some stuff and extra money.

"Got everything?" Raph asked when I climbed out.

"Yep, let's go," I said. We walked along the roof tops.

"Does Donnie like April?" I asked.

"Why? How did ya know?" Raph said.

"Well, when you guys mentioned her, he started blushing and I felt as if he had feelings for her," I said with a shrug.

"Yeah, but they have like zero chance," Raph said. I frowned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, Donnie's a mutant nerd turtle, and April may not be entirely human, but she looks human, like you," Raph said.

"So, that doesn't mean anything," I said.

"Actually, it does. Besides I'm pretty sure April might be interested in Casey," Raph said.

"Casey Jones?" I said.

"Yep," Raph said.

"Well, I bet Donnie still has a chance," I said.

"Sure, and I have a chance to grow wings and fly," Raph said sarcastically.

"Let's make a deal, I bet that I could get a normal looking person and a mutant together," I said.

"Deal, if ya do that princess, I'll do whatever you say for a day," Raph said.

"Deal," I said. I jumped down from the building and landed next to a manhole.


We got back to the lair and I saw April and Casey on the couch.

"Hey," I said.

"You're Victoria?" April asked me.

"Yep, I guess the guys told you about me," I said.

"Yep, the names Casey Jones," Casey said.

"I know who you are Jones, we have English together," I said, "but you may not know me, since your a sleep have the class time."

"Yeah, well school bores me," Casey said leaning back.

"Victoria, I heard you have mutant powers," April said.

"Yep, I can control fire and ice," I said.

"Cool, maybe we can roast marshmallows, and make Popsicles." Casey said.

"Or I could roast you and turn you into a Popsicle," I said.

"Whatever," Casey said.

"Are you going back to school tomorrow?" April asked me.

"Yep..." I said,"what are you staring at Jones?" Casey's eyes were widened, and so were Aprils.

"Your hair," April said.

"What about it?" I asked, April pulled out a mirror. I gasped, my jet black hair had icy blue and fiery red-orange, highlights in it.

"It just now, started to get the highlights," April said.

"What? How?" I asked in disbelief, I never messed with my hair.

"Woah, where'd you get the tattoos?" Casey said looking at my arms

I looked at them, swirls of flames and ice danced across around my arms. I took off to the bathroom, I locked the door and pulled off my white shirt. I turned around. The flames and ice led to a yin-yang sign on my back, it was made of fire and ice, too. I pulled on my shirt and walked back out.

"Donnie what's happening?" I said. Donnie was walking out of his lab.

"It looks like the mutagen is taking over your body and marking it," he said.

"Great, more things to explain to my friends," I sighed.

"On the bright side, you look bad ass," Casey commented. I shot him a glare.

"Whatever, I'm going to set up my room..." I muttered and stormed off.

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