Chapter 4

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"Ok, so what's the plan?" Mikey asked... Again.

"Ugh, I'm going down and confronting Shredder, I mean what's the worse that can happen? Besides you all are gonna keep an eye on me." I said.

"Really? That's the best Leo came up with?" Mikey said.

"Well it's the best we got, ok Victoria be careful down there," Leo said. I climbed down the fire escape.

"Ok, Victoria can you here me?" I heard Donnie say over the earpiece I had in.

"Loud and clear," I said.

I approached the large doors. I banged on them. The dog mutant opened up...

"That's Dogpound," Donnie said.

"Hello, I'm here to see Shredder,"I said.

"He's not accepting any new foot soldiers at the time," Dogpound said.

"I'm not here for a job. I'm here because word on the street, I'm his daughter," I said.

"Your that girl I was sent to get?" He asked.

"Yep, now am I gonna see him or not?" I said impatiently.

"Sure, but first," Dogpound said, he grabbed my arm and tied my hands together. "For safety precautions."

"Whatever," I muttered. He led me through dark hallways, we came to a set of sliding triangular doors.

They slid open and I saw a dark figure sitting on a throne. There was glass covering water on either side. And steps led up to the throne. It was dark, until some torches lit up the room.

"Bikutoria," the figure said. It got up and I knew it was Shredder, he had on samurai armor and a helmet.

"Who? I'm Victoria," I said. The figure approached me and studied me.

"That is your name in Japanese, you are Bikutoria, my daughter. You look exactly like your mother," he explained.

"Ok, let's pretend I am somewhat Japanese...what happened to my mother," I questioned.

"Let's just say, she was a threat,"Shredder said. This angered me.

"So you got rid of her? Why?" I demanded.

"She knew too much, she was untrustworthy," Shredder's deep voice boomed.

"You killed her... you monster," I said. In a flash he was behind me, he kicked me and I flew into the the glass walls.

"Your are not to disobey me, I am your father," he boomed.

I got up, slowly. Then faced him, my hands still bound together.

"Why now?" I asked, "why try reunite now?"

"I have tried to locate you in the past. Your mother fled with you when you were born, I tracked her down eight years later. I disposed of her and went to retrieve you," Shredder said.

"But I wasn't there, I left that stupid orphanage when I was seven years old," I said.

"With the help of the Krang I located you. But there was a price, you were their test subject for a new mutagen," Shredder said, "now that you are here, you are to join me, and find and kill Hamato Yoshi."

"Join you? Please, you killed my mother, you may be my father, but I will never join you," I said, my voice hard and determined.

"Very well, I will have to persuade you then," Shredder said.

He came at me, but I rolled out of the way. His fist hit the glass, it cracked.

I got ready, but instead when he turned to me curiosity shown in his eyes. I looked outside, and in the reflection of the glass I saw my eyes, one was fiery red, the other an icy blue. They used to be dark brown. Quickly I found the strength to rip the bounds around my hands, I was free!

"What?" I said. A Kusarigama chain wrapped around my hand from above. I held onto it, "well I would say it was to meet you, but it wasn't" I did a mock two finger salute. The chain pulled me up.

"Thanks guys," I said when we got to the roofs outside.

"We need to move," Leo said.

We ran across the rooftops. We stopped when we saw Dogpound and a mutant fish, along with foot soldier, no bot I remember the turtles telling me they're robots, they stood in our way.

"Finally some action," Raph said.

They ran at us. I fought off the bots, Raph took on the fish, and Mikey, Donnie, and Leo took out Dogpound. I was finishing off a foot bot, when I noticed a footbot about to slice Raph.

"Watch out!" I called, then threw a punch in the air and a fireball shot out and took out the bot.

The fighting ceased. I stared at my hand. Leo ran over to me and threw an egg. Smoke surrounded us, we slipped away, but I saw my dad watching us, I knew he saw what I had done.

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