Chapter 7

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"Well if it isn't the PD's," I said. The dragons turned around.

"Hey, your that girl, Shredder's daughter?" Hun said.

"My dad's mentioned me huh?" I said.

"Yep, he's looking for ya," Hun continued, stepping towards us,"offered a great reward."

"Wow, now I'm wanted?" I said, taking a stance. Casey took out his hockey stick.

"Hey, no fighting in here!" The coffee shop owner said, "I'm calling the cops!"

"Victoria!" Casey said, "we have ten minutes until English ends!"

"We're gonna walk away from a good fight?" I asked.

"The cops are coming!" The owner said.

"Ok, let's go, I don't want to go to jail," I muttered, "this isn't over!" I said to the purple dragons.

Casey and I arrived back to school. We ran inside, just as the bell had rung. We parted ways and we headed to our next class.


I got back to the lair, and crashed on the couch. The guys arrived and I turned to see what had happened.

"Eww, Mikey what happened?" I saw Mikey, covered in giant pimples.

"The idiot, decided to cover himself in some retro mutagen," Raph explained.

"So, can it be reversed?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Donnie need this center fudge thing, and Blaxter Stilkman took it," Mikey said.

"Guys, we need to find him, where would Dogpound take him?" Leo said.

"Maybe back to Baxter's lab?" Mikey said.

"Why would he go there?" Leo asked.

"Well, I'm trying to help," Mikey complained, I tuned them out for a minute. Thinking about random stuff.

"Guys? Where's Mikey?" I asked them, snapping out of my thoughts I noticed he was gone.

"What?" Donnie said.

"Where could he have go- oh no," Leo said.

"He must've went to Stickman's lab, Donnie said.

"Ok, how about you guys, oh I don't know go after him?!?" I suggested. I had too much makeup work to go with them.

"Good idea, c'mon let's move," Leo said. They left, I was alone.

I headed into my room and started, to work on my assignments.


I woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to try and sneak out.

I got to the manhole when someone spoke up.

"Where are ya going this late?"

"Nowhere, go back Raph." I said, I turned around to see Raph standing there with his arms crossed.

"Why? Are ya leaving?" He asked.

"No, I just needed some fresh air, and to clear my mind," I said.

"Yeah? Well me too, c'mon I'll go with a ya," he said.

"Fine," I snapped.

We got to the rooftops. We sat on a building ledge and just talked for a while.

"Raph? What if I never left that orphanage? Where would I be?" I asked him.

"Probably, with Shredder. But don't think about it, your with us. So that better not change, or I'll have to kill ya," he said.

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