Chapter 2

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The four turtles stood before me. They observed me, as I observed them.

"So.." Raph said impatiently.

"Sooo, what?" I said imitating him. He growled and started to advance towards me. Leo stopped him.

"How did you find this place?" Leo said, his voice sounding deeper.

"Well, I was supposed to be spending the night in the sewers, cause some friends dared me. Then, I discovered your four. Oh, by the way I know that that's not your real voice, I've been listening to you all for a few minutes," I told him, then smiled innocently.

"Ok, Leo we can't let her leave she might tell others," Donnie said.

I panicked for a minute, the I heard someone enter. I turned to see a rat walk in. He was anthropomorphic like the turtles.

"Leonardo, why is there a human in our secret lair?" He spoke, no surprise.

"Uhh, Master Splinter, she said she found us while doing a dare for her friends," Leo, or Leonardo said.

"I see, what might we call you, young lady?" Splinter said.

"Uhh, Victoria," I said.

"What's your last name, dudette?" Mikey said.

"I don't really have one, I'm an orphan," I explained. Even though I don't live in an orphanage, I was still an orphan.

"Well, Victoria, I advise you to keep our secret safe," Splinter said.

"Don't worry, who would believe me anyway," I said, "old someone take these off me?" I motioned to the chain. Raph grabbed the chain and pulled. I spun around in the air and fell back to the ground.

"There," he said with a smirk.

"That was un called for..." I said. I got up and assess the turtles and Splinter.

"Victoria, you may leave, but remember, Donatello can easily track you down," Splinter warned.

"Yes, I understand," I bowed to the rat master.

"My sons, please show our newly found friend the nearest exit," Splinter said.

Sons? Either I missed something, or everything they taught me in biology class is wrong.

The turtles showed me the nearest manhole. As I climbed up I stopped.

"For the record, I train in ninjutsu, too," I said, then left before they questioned me.


I walked though a shortcut to my apartment. As I walked down the dark alleyway I heard movement behind me. I turned to see strange robots with guns, they walked towards me.

"Krang, the one called Victoria, has been found by Krang. Krang must take her with Krang to Krang's TCRI," one of them said.

"What are you?" I asked.

"The one known as Victoria, also known as Shredder's daughter, will not be answered by Krang," the stupid robots started to shoot lasers at me.

I dodged them, and jumped behind a dumpster. I tried to reach for my Kamas, but I had dropped them back in the sewers.

Then I heard something new. Silence. I peeked around the dumpster. The robot things were gone.

"Well, glad that's over," I muttered, and stood up.

"Not quite," I heard a new voice say, a girl. Then darkness.


I woke with a start. I was strapped to a white table.i looked around, everything was white. Even I was dressed in white. My jet black hair tied up.

A door slid open. Some more Krang robots appeared.

"Krang it is time for Krang to begin the process, known as elemental mutagen mutation," one of them said.

"What a name," I commented.

"Krang begin phase one known of the plan known as elemental mutagen mutation," another one said. The way they talk sure is annoying.

Out of nowhere two tables appeared. One with a flame on it, the other with a bowl of water.

Two of the Krang installed my arms, I tried to fight them, but I was still lightheaded. They placed a tube in my arm. A strange bluish goo ran through the tube, straight into my arm.

"Ahhh," I cried out in pain. It was unbearable.

The Krang them took my arm and stuck my hand into the fire, and the other into the water, then froze the water. My fingers, blistered like crazy, and turned blue.

I couldn't take the pain, I passed out.


I awoke later, in a strange cell. I saw a window on the door. There was nothing, but a long narrow hallway.

I sighed and sat down. I panicked and looked at my hands.

"What?" I said to myself, they looked perfectly normal.

I grew bored. Eventually, I fell asleep.


~~~~~~~a month later~~~~~~~
I've been here for a month. It's soooo boring! All the Krang do is take blood samples and observe me. It's pretty weird.

I was busying myself with trying to balance on one leg while doing a backflip. The door slid open, there stood another mutant. A dog mutant.

"Get up." It growled.

"Woah, who woke up on the wrong side of the dog house?" I said.

The mutant grabbed me by the back of the neck adm dragged my through TCRI. We got outside and he tied me up. I tried to get away, but he picked me up and threw me into a white van.

When he shut the door, I struggled to sit up. Then I heard noises coming from outside.

"Booyakasha!" I heard a voice yell.

I waited, and a few minutes later the noises ceased. The doors opened. There stood four familiar faces.

"About time," I muttered.

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