Chapter 6

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I woke up with a start. A stupid nightmare kept haunting me. I got out of bed. then pulled on my old jeans and a white t-shirt. I found my old converse and grabbed my backpack.

I got to the kitchen and saw it was a disaster. Raph was on the counter 'making' orange juice with his sais, Donnie burning toast, and Leo attempting to make eggs.

"What's going on?" I asked. Raph made orange juice go into Donnie's eyes. He was now running around crazily, while Raph watched.

"Where's Mikey?" I asked.

"We don't know, he's usually the one who makes breakfast," Leo said. Donnie ran into Leo, who was struggling with the eggs. Leo's eggs went flying and landed on Raph's plastron. I choked in laughter.

Then we heard a yell. Mikey ran in, he was covered in pimples and acne.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"I don't know! Guys help me!" Mikey panicked.

"Calm down Mikey, it's just some shell acne, just part of being a teenager," Leo tried to explain.

"Did you ever get them?" Mikey asked.

"Heck no," Leo said.

"I have, but they go away," I explained. I checked the time, "sorry, I gotta go, or I'm gonna be late for school. Um, good luck with all this." I motioned to the mess in the kitchen, then hurried off to school.

I entered the school and headed for my locker. Once I got out my books, I closed my locker. Then someone tackled me.

"Get off!" I said.

"Sorry, but can you blame me for missing my best friend?" Jorge said, still hugging me.

"No, sorry I didn't tell you that I was going on a vacation," I said.

"Vacation huh? Where to?" He asked.

"California, I got these tattoos there and got my hair done, for once," I said.

"I love your tattoos," he said examining my arms.

"Thanks," I said, the bell rang. I had gym class. "I gotta get to class see you at lunch? Oh and don't be surprised if April and Casey join us."

"Victoria, before you go, um, never mind," Jorge said walking away.

When I got to gym class, I found Kristen. I walked to her, but she spotted me and then walked away.

"Kristen what's wrong?" I said.

"Kristen!" Someone called out in a shrilly voice. Shana.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Oh, Victoria, your back? Where's faggot boy?" Shana sneered at me.

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Kristen responded this time.

"What? And why are you hanging out with Shana?" I questioned Kristen.

"She realized that she would rather hang out with normal people than the freaks," Shana said.

"That's right, now hurry along. I don't want to catch a disease," Kristen added.

WTF? I walked away, pretty pissed. I headed towards the bathroom, a basketball bounced in.

"Hey, could you get that?" A boy asked.

I walked in, and found the ball, but when I picked it up it froze solid. Surprised I dropped it, and it shattered to a million pieces. Perfect.


"Ok, please explain what going on with Kristen," I demanded to Jorge as I sat at our lunch table.

He sighed. "Look, I'm, well, I'm gay..." he said.

"Ok, what's the problem?" I asked.

"Well, Kristen is really religious, she didn't take the news well. She dumped her coffee on my head and called me names," Jorge said.

"That son of a-" I started to say. Then April and Casey sat with us.

"Hey," April said to Jorge.

"Jorge, I think you know them?" I said.

"Yep, we have a few classes together," Jorge said.

"Ok, now we need to discuss some problems," April said. I turned to her, what is he talking about.

"What?" Jorge said staring at her, I looked at April and she started to rub her eyes.

"Well, the ice," she started, but it sounded like she said eyes," here is weird, it changes colors and stuff."

I pondered what she said. Then looked down, shielding my eyes. I realized that she meant my eyes were flashing different colors.

"Ok...." Jorge said, "That's all interesting but I want to discuss some more important news."

"What?" Casey said.

"Victoria, remember that promise we made each other?" Jorge asked.

"About?" I asked, still looking down at my plate of school 'food'.

"Our birthday?" Jorge kept giving me clues. Then I remembered.

"Oh, it's next Monday! Yeah, I'm getting you that Harley you wanted," I told him.

"You guys share a birthday?" Casey asked.

"Yep, and I'm getting her a Yamaha motorcycle," Jorge said grinning.

"Cool, how sold are you turning?" April said.

"Jorge is turning fifteen, I'm turning fourteen," I explained.

"Wow," Casey said.

The bell rang.

"C'mon Victoria, we have English," Casey said.

"Fine," I grumbled and followed him.

"Wait, you're in tenth grade and turning fourteen?" Casey questioned.

"Yeah, ok listen I may hate school, but I don't want to fail it. I'm pretty smart, and pick things up fast, so the school let me skip a grade, or two," I explained.

"Nerd alert," Casey said. I glared at him.

"Don't tell anyone," I said.

"Sure," Casey shrugged.

Casey and I ended up skipping English. We headed towards a coffee shop.

As we got near it, I noticed some Purple Dragons inside. Time for some fun.

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