Chapter Two

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Bam looked in the mirror, he couldn't get used to seeing his new haircut.

After abandoning the town he used to call his home, Bam decided to go for a full change.

His once long brown hair that was always tied up with a long heavy fringe hiding his golden eyes was now gone.

He remembered his head felt much lighter after it was all chopped off.

She always used to love his long hair that reached lower than his waist and the fringe that hid his face. In fact, wasn't she the one who encouraged him to grow it?

With it all gone he felt as if a weight had been lifted. As if his vision was much clearer now without it being obscured by heavy, long locks of hair.

Still staring at himself in the mirror, Bam tried to pep talk himself.

"Come on, Bam. You can do this. No one you know will be at this university. Even if they were, it's not as if they would recognise you now."

After living by himself for just a few days, it was now the dreaded morning that he would actually have to attend University.

Today would be his first day as a music student at University.

Picking up the courage he needed, he ventured into his lounge from the bathroom, gathering up his bag, guitar case and placing his headphones on his head.

The one thing that would always calm his anxiety was listening to his favourite music group The Regulars.

Bam could feel his nerves calming before he even left his apartment whilst listening to the heavy drumming, guitar strumming and electric keyboard.

And then the goosebumps ran up his arms as the singer joined the melody with his dulcet tones.

It was times like this that Bam always thought he had at least one thing to thank his past for.

Bam was conflicted on his walk to the campus, being both thankful that it was only a short 15 minute walk but also annoyed that he reached the campus so quickly.

He had already missed the induction as he didn't want to deal with the crowd of strangers and so was left with a map to find his lecture hall.

Standing in the middle of the campus entrance, Bam tried to figure out what it all meant.

"Hi, are you lost?"

"Ah!! Um...."

Bam was lost for words at a sudden hand on his shoulder.

He instinctively removed his headphones.

A boy, slightly shorter than him with light blue, almost white hair and cobalt eyes was smiling pleasantly at him.

"From the guitar case on your back I would guess you're also on the music course."

Bam noted the blue eyed boy was also carrying a guitar case.

"Follow me, I'll show you where we are."

Without saying another word, the boy walked ahead.

Having no other choice, Bam followed after him.

"I'm Khun Aguero Agnes by the way."

"Oh..... um... Twenty-fifth Bam...."

Reluctantly Bam gave his name but made no further attempts to make conversation.

He wasn't here to make more friends that would betray him.

"Bam it is then!"

The boy happily hummed as he continued walking.

It wasn't long before they reached the music room.

"Khun! Over here!"

Upon opening the door, the strange boy was accosted by a group of others at once.

"Hey, guys!"

Bam took advantage of the distraction and immediately took off for a corner of the room to hide away from everyone else.

"Huh? Where did Bam go?"

"What are you on about Khun?"

"The guy I came in with, he was lost so I showed him the way."

Khun's eyes searched the room before landing on Bam hiding in the corner.

"Hey Ba-"

Khun was cut off before he could call out to him.

"Right, take your seats."

The lecturer entered the room and everyone quietened down.

"This is your first day and you'll all be working together for the next two years. For the first week, we won't do anything too taxing, I want you all to get to know each other. So your assignment for the next two weeks is to form a group, write an original song and you will perform it to the rest of the class at the end of next week. Any questions?"

Bam felt the blood drain from his face as he heard the lecturers words.

Meekly raising his hand, the lecturer called on him.

"You, what's the problem?"

"Um.... do we have to form groups?"

Blue Eyes - Khun X Bam Tower Of GodWhere stories live. Discover now