Chapter Thirteen

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Khun meanly teased the bright red boy with golden eyes.

"Ah! No... um, I didn't....erm..."

Bam was clutching at straws as he had been called out unexpectedly.

Before he could form a coherent sentence, Khun sighed.

"As much as I would love to see you over the weekend, I'm actually busy with plans. Sorry Bam, but thanks for asking, it really means a lot."

"Oh, okay, sure. Sorry."

Feeling deflated, Bam's puppy dog look was not lost on Khun.

"Haaaaaah! I wasn't going to do this today but I don't really have a choice when you look like that."

Bams averted eyes returned to Khun who was holding out his hand.

"Here. For you."

"What is it?"

Bam questioned as he took the piece of card from Khun.

"A ticket to see The Regulars next Friday."


The surprise left Bam almost speechless.

"But these tickets were sold out!?"

"Yeah, well, I got you a ticket."

"Seriously? Like, really? This is real?"

Bam stared at the ticket in his hand, he couldn't quite believe he had managed to land himself a free ticket when tickets for The Regulars shows were like gold dust.

"And you'll be there too, Khun-san?"

"Of course I'll be there."

Khun replied nonchalantly.

An unfamiliar feeling welled up inside Bam.

"The other guys will be there too."

Bam deflated a bit at this as he thought it may have actually been a date. But the news wasn't enough to destroy the unreasonably happy mood he was now in.

Chuckling, Khun ruffled Bam's hair.

"If I'd known you'd get this excited, I would have given it to you sooner."

"This is really amazing Khun-san. I've never seen them live before because their tickets are so expensive and hard to get. Honestly, I owe you so much for this. What can I do to pay you back."

Khun continued to laugh.

"Don't thank me too soon, Bam. Just turn up on Friday night."

Bam happily nodded as he continued to beam from ear to ear.

"Honestly, you are too pure for me."

Ruffling Bam's hair one final time, the two boys then said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

After finally walking through the front door to his apartment, Bam pulled out the ticket again to admire it.

I'm finally going to see them live. I get see them in the flesh.

Bam was unbelievably excited about the opportunity but there was one thing in particular that he was over the moon about.

I get to hear A.A's voice in person.

For the rest of the day, Bam repeatedly admired the ticket.

He pulled out his phone numerous times just to message Khun to say thankyou yet again. To the point Khun banned Bam from sending him anymore messages with the threat of taking the ticket off him.

Needless to say, the excitement for the day had overwhelmed Bam and he had no issues falling asleep that night.

The real test started the following morning when the excitement had calmed down and his thoughts were able to take over his mood.

I wonder what Khun is doing now?

Is it okay if I message him asking what he's up to?

After an hour of this internal struggle, Bam decided to bite the bullet and sent a message.

Five minutes of staring at his phone after hitting the send button, there was still no answer.

It's only been five minutes, he might be caught up in something.

Bam convinced himself as he waited obediently.

Fifteen minutes passed and there was still no reply.

Maybe he's showering or something....

An hour had passed.

What is Khun doing? He's not answered my message. Maybe I'm annoying him. Maybe he's hanging out with other friends. Maybe he doesn't need me.

After letting his thoughts spiral obsessively and possessively out of control, Bam realised he needed to change.

Bam, you need to pull yourself together. Khun isn't doing anything wrong. He has his own life. I need to stop overthinking things.

As Bam reprimanded himself, his phone buzzed, he swiftly snatched it up and opened up the message.

'Hey, sorry, only just seen your message. It's a busy morning! Hope you are having a good day.'

Come on Bam, he said he was busy. Learn to give him some space!

Bam replied to the message.

'Don't push yourself too hard, remember to take a break. I'll leave you to it, see you on Monday.'

Sighing as he pressed send, Bam realised just how obsessed he was with Khun and, to try and teach himself some self control, decided not to contact him for the rest of the weekend.

Bam prepared himself for the weekend from hell.

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