Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of practice went down without a hitch.

The group were playing almost perfectly together.

"We'll have this perfect by Friday. I'm looking forward to hearing the lyrics you come up with Bam."

Khun was smiling at Bam as he spoke.

The other members restlessly agreed, as they chatted amongst themselves, Khun approached Bam.

"Is everything okay with the lyrics Bam? I thought you would have had something by now, you could reuse some of the lyrics from your book and change them up a bit?"

"It's fine Khun-san. I promise I'll have them ready for Friday afternoon."

"Okay, I trust you."

Khun slapped Bam's shoulder before he turned to the rest of the group to discuss a few things.

Bam had already decided after the conversation from the break. The lyrics would be added in during their class performance.

He figured, that way, the others would be distracted enough focusing on playing their parts to fully take notice of the underlying meaning of the lyrics.

And if Khun-san realises my feelings... I'll deal with that when it happens.

Bam had grown in confidence the past week in leaps and bounds.

He had surpassed his former self from when he knew Rachel and was the happiest he had ever been.

He had friends, people he could rely on and the person he loved, he was confident loved him back.

In his own way, he was hoping that this public confession could be laughed off if it did happen to be unsuccessful. He thought it unlikely that anyone else in the class, bar the members of the band, would realise just who he was singing about.

It was risky, and Bam was incredibly nervous but he felt this would be the best way to get his feelings across.

With an audience, it meant that he could avoid the embarrassment of a one on one confession. He knew he would be bright red and stuttering if he attempted it in plain words, but music gave him confidence.

"We're done for the day Bam. You can head home now."

Snapped out of his thoughts, Bam faced Khun.

"That went quick! Do you want to walk part of the way together Khun-san?"

"We still have some practicing to do so you can head out without me. Sorry, Bam. I promise, once this week is over we can go on as many dates as you want!"

Khun cheekily winked as he replied causing a slight blush to creep up Bam's neck.

Bam wanted to embarrasingly deny it but he was torn between it being true and the jealousy that was also creeping it's way into his heart.

Having already packed away his belongings and ready to head out the door, he gathered up his courage and decided to play along with Khun's teasing, he was well aware that he was bright red as he did so.

"Fine, that's a promise Khun-san! But don't expect to have any free time."

A stunned silence overcame the two of them as Khun had not expected his playful, flirty response.

Bam took the opportunity to make his escape.


Just as the door to the studio was about to close behind him, Bam heard Khun call out to him.

"This weekend. I want to see you. There's something I want to tell you."

Nodding, his cheeks still bright with blush, Bam silently agreed and then left the remaining members.

"So the blue turtle is going to make his confession."

"Ooohhhhh, we've been waiting for this."

"Come on, it's not like he's going to say no. It's blatantly obvious how he feels."

"Oh shut up, you three. I'll have you know that I'm actually nervous about this and that's why we need to get Friday out the way with."

"I don't know what you're so worried about Khun."

"I know, if anything it will probably work in your favour."

"Whatever. We just need to get through Friday night first."

Blue Eyes - Khun X Bam Tower Of GodWhere stories live. Discover now