Chapter Twenty Four

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Where am I?

What's going on?

It all happened so fast.

One moment he was listening to The Regulars perform live on stage, the next he was being dragged out of the private area.

Baffled, Bam found himself being dragged along the corridor by a tall blonde man that he recognised.

"Are you... Lero Ro-san!?"

"Hoh! You recognise me. I guess that means I don't have to explain you're not being kidnapped. Well, not exactly anyway."

"Where, where are we going?"

Lero Ro had a firm grip on Bam's wrist at this point and pulled him along behind him.

They went through another set of doors that were heavily guarded.

"Don't mind me, I'm just delivering you to Khun. But we need to make you blend in a bit first."


Bam glanced behind him, utterly confused, as he heard and felt the reverberations of music shaking the building as The Regulars started another song.

What is going on!?

Before he knew it, Bam found himself in a room full of people rushing around shouting orders at each other.

"Here, sit. Girls, you know what to do."

"Wha!? Lero Ro-san!?"

No response.

Surrounded by three unknown females, Bam was flustered.

He had no idea what was going on.

"This way dear, we'll sort you out."

The three women pulled the frightened Bam into an empty side room without explanation.

"Ah, what are you doing!?"

Bam gripped at his jeans as one of the women tried to remove them.

"Don't worry dear, we have a change of clothes for you."

One of the other girls was holding up a black suit.


"Hehe, you'll find out soon enough. We've been told not to say too much."

The three girls giggled together.

"Now come on, dear. Let us help you change. We still need to do your make up."

Bam gave up his resistance.

He knew he wouldn't get any further explanation and they didn't seem to be bad people.

I mean.... Lero Ro-san handed me over to them and Khun seems to trust him....

Giving up, Bam watched over his transformation.

The suit fit perfectly.

"You have such clear skin, it shouldn't take long at all."

The three women fussed over him and suddenly blocked his view in the mirror so he could no longer see what was happening.

They were patting powder on his cheeks, applying eyeliner and one was messing with his hair.

The door opened distracting the four in the room.

"Is he done? We need to get him out there now."

"He's done!"

The women nodded in uniaon, spinning Bam in the chair he had been placed in to face Lero-Ro who had just entered the room.


"Nice. Much better than I thought. Its almost a shame his face won't be seen. Right, this way."

Lero-Ro had approached and once again grasped onto Bam's wrist pulling him along.

As he flew out of the seat, Bam managed to catch a glance in the mirror before being dragged away.


His appearance had changed dramatically.

His face was much clearer and his eyes that much more noticeable thanks to the dark eyeliner.

Not to mention that they had actually placed a wig on him.

It was the same colour as his hair but longer and pulled back into a short ponytail with a heavy fringe just the right length.

He wasn't given a chance to admire his new appearance as he was being dragged down more corridors.

"Lero Ro-san, where are we going?"

He practically had to shout as he realised the music was much louder now.

There were also a lot more people around and electrical equipment.

This almost looks like....

Before he could finish that thought, Lero-Ro came to a stop.


He commanded and a guitar seemed to appear out of thin air, though Bam did momentarily spot the man that had delivered it before running off somewhere.

"Right. Now do your best out there."


Lero-Ro began to push Bam forward.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Here, wear this as well."

Bam kept one hand on the guitar that had been rested over his shoulders with a guitar strap.

Taking the object out of Lero-Ro's hand, he recognised it to be the same as A.A's mask but it felt different.

It's the opposite side....

"Put it on, quick!"

Pressured, Bam put on the mask that covered half of his face. He confirmed that it was definitely the opposite side to A.A but other than that, it was a perfect match.


Lero-Ro then continued to push Bam forward who was now going with the flow as he had no other choice.

Then Lero-Ro's hand disappeared from his back.

He was blinded.

The first thing that hit him were the bright, hot lights.

He winced as his eyes adjusted.

The next thing he noticed were the countless faces moving up and down before him as they screamed and shouted in excitement.

His attention was then brought to the figure standing at the front of the stage, next to the mic.


The figure beckoned him forward, Bam mindlessly followed the gesture.

His eyes scanned the thousands of people in the crowd.

His mind was blank and throbbing.

A sudden drum roll brought him back from his daze.

He found himself standing in front of the mic.

Glancing to the side was A.A whose eyes seemed to be smiling at him.

Then a familiar tune started.

The music was already going as Bam recognised the song.

This is the song Khun and I wrote.

Bam stared blankly at the audience in front of him, completely confused as to what was going on.

Noticing movement next to him.

His heart was now practically trying to fly out of his chest as A.A approached and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Bam, sing."

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