Chapter Nineteen

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"Huh, me?"

"Yes, you."

"Lucky you, honey. That's a mighty rare pass that you got there. I just had to check it was the genuine article."

The woman was now smiling genuinely at Bam as she started pushing him inside much to the protests of everyone else outside.

"Hey! We've been here for hours!"

"Why can't we go inside!?"

The crowds shouts were soon quiet as Bam saw the guards moving towards them and the door closed behind him, muffling any sound.

"Alright, you follow this guy here and he'll take you to the VIP area, I've gotta get back to my station!"

The woman saluted at Bam before she ran off like a shot, out the building again.


"This way."

Bam followed the larger man, baffled as to the situation he found himself in.

"Where are we going?"

Finally picking up the courage, Bam decided to speak to the guard.

"I've been told to take you to a special waiting area."


"No idea. I don't ask question, just do as I'm told."

The odd pair then continued in silence.

Bam used the opportunity to take in his surroundings.

Wow.... its so big!

They veered off from the large space that seemed to have counters preparing to sell items and started winding their way down some smaller corridors.

They passed a few other guards on the way who seemed to be protecting the corridor.

Bam continued to erratically look at his surroundings, taking it all in.

"Ow... sorry...."

Bam bumped into the large guard as he came to a sudden stop outside a door.

"Here, this is where you'll be for the night. This is your pass, make sure you wear it at all times and take it with you if you leave or you won't be able to get back in here. You can sit or stand anywhere in here."


"The counters will open up in about 15 minutes and then doors will open in 30 minutes, I'd suggest you go buy anything you need before the doors open."

"Right... thanks...."

Bam entered the room that was guarded by another intimidating man.

Upon entering he noticed there were other people already inside.

They all have blue hair....

Off to one side, Bam immediately noticed a small group of people all with the same colour hair.

The group took a glance at him and then continued to speak to one another.

He looked to his other side and what seemed to be a group of friends, the same age as him, all chatting together.

Bam, still clutching his bag, walked deeper into the small cut off area and realised that it wasn't a small room as it had first appeared.

He lost himself in his awe as he walked straight to the front, grabbing the handrail and letting his bag fall to his hip.


His eyes darted around the large arena.

The thousands of seats stretching off and the massive empty space in the middle for where people would stand.

The stage was so close, it was in front of him to the right as he realised he must have a side view.

He was so close, he knew he would have a great view.

"So cool...."

"Haha, I'm guessing this is your first time in an arena this big."

Bam remembered where he was as the stranger spoke to him.

"Oh, um yes it is.... I've never been to a concert before..."

"No way! Well, come sit with us, we'll keep you company Bam."

Bam jolted in surprise.

"You know my name?"

"Endorsi, he doesn't know."

"Urgh, it's too much hassle. Whatever. I'm Endorsi, over here we have Anaak, Ran and Hwaryun."

"We're friends of Khun and the others."

"Oh, right!"

Bam felt relieved as he followed Endorsi and took a seat with the unusual group.

I wonder when Khun-san will get here.

The group started chatting between themselves, not really saying much to Bam.

His mind wandering, Bam pulled out his phone and sent another message to Khun telling him he had arrived and asking when he would get there.

He noticed the time and stood up.

"I think I'm going to go look at the stalls that are selling things."

He explained his sudden standing to the rest of the group who had fallen quiet.

"Oh, let me come with you! Khun asked me to look after you and we don't want his precious boyfriend getting lost."

"Ah, I'm not...."

Bam's refutal landed on deaf ears as the others started making fun of Khun.

"Lets go!"

Authors note

Okay.... so I had planned to finish already but... there will be a few more chapters than expected. I hope you enjoy!

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