Chapter Eleven

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Bam closed the door behind him, his heart pounding.

What did Khun-san mean by that?

He's happy that it's a breakup song.

So he likes me?

Bam was a smart kid, he knew that Khun seemed to be treating him especially nicely and, at times, he was definitely hinting at being attracted to Bam.

But this was the first time that someone had ever shown interest in him romantically so he had been brushing off the obvious hints, although they had wormed their way inside his heart before he could catch them.

After being thrown aside so horrifically by his first love who had never shown any interest in Bam other than when she could use it to her own benefit, Bam had been desperately trying to deny his own growing feelings for Khun.

I don't know what I should be doing.

How does this work?

Am I supposed to tell him that I like him?

I can't do that.

I can already feel my obsession with Khun growing.

I already know that this time it will be far worse than it was with Rachel.

Bam already knew he had fallen and fallen hard. It was mostly down to the fact Khun actually seemed to care for him whereas he knew Rachel's feelings were never romantic. Or her own self obsession seemed to cancel out any feelings she may have had.

I want to keep him all to myself.

I would follow him anywhere.

He realised that he had already lost this desperate fight long ago.

In fact, he knew he had fallen for Khun from the first time they met.

The fact a complete and utter stranger would speak to someone like him so kindly.

Even after Bam had his meltdown in the classroom and acted rudely to everyone.

Khun still came after him.

By now, Bam had reached his bedroom and thrown himself face first onto his bed.

Rolling over onto his back, he reached for a notepad he had lying on his bedside table.

This was habit from before the betrayal.

Writing music came so naturally to Bam that whenever he had a flash of inspiration, he needed to write it down immediately. And so notebooks were scattered throughout his home, ready at a moments notice.

"I really haven't written anything since Rachel. But I need to write something for the university project next week."

Bam was conflicted.

Pen and paper in hand, he had so many things he wanted to write down.

So much inspiration flowing through his body just itching to pour out onto the paper.

There was just one problem.

Whatever he wrote he wouldn't be able to perform at the University.

Not in front of all of his classmates.

And it wasn't down to nerves. Bam had found that he surprisingly had no issues performing in front of a crowd. If anything, he performed better.

No, this time the issue would be extremely personal.

However, he couldn't help himself.

His fingers were alreasy scratching away with the pen.

His feelings overflowing onto the paper.

When he had finished the song, he read it through, over and over.

This is definitely my best song yet....

Bam was both proud and embarrassed of his masterpiece.

It's way too obvious.

There's no way I can perform this in front of everyone.

Not in front of my classmates.

Not in front of my group members.

And most certainly not in front of him.

Reading the lyrics again and again, Bam groaned out loud.

"I can't do this."

He tried turning to a blank page and writing another song.

He had plenty of words to put to paper but it ended in the same outcome.

He turned the page again.

And again.

And again.

Why do I have to be like this?

Bam condemned his own obsessive nature as he flicked through all the pages he had written.

Every single one a love song.

Love songs he had written for Khun.

Authors not
Thanks for reading so far everyone. Sorry this chapter seemed to drag a bit but I really wanted to emphasise that this was when Bam finally accepted the feelings that were growing and signals he had been getting from Khun. It got a bit cheesy though, sorry!
Anyway, we have a bit more to go before we reach the conclusion, will Bam sing his love song to Khun!?

As I said before, I really do appreciate you all reading my stories and thank you for making it so far!

Now for a shameless self-plug!
If you enjoy my writing I have written a number of other fanfics (mostly Iwaoi) but I do plan on writing more KhunBam in future.
If you don't like any of the other ships I have written about, I actually wrote an original story recently that I'm updating as the grammar isn't quite there (I must have been half asleep when writing) but it has a few scenes I quite enjoy! It's called Why Do I Love You? So please check it out if you enjoy my writing :)

I hope to see more comments from you all soon!

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