Chapter Five

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"What the hell was that Bam?"

"Ha! You can't complain at me anymore Hatz! I brought in a great talent."

"I don't like to admit it but you're right."

What's going on?"

Bam was completely baffled by the commotion around him until Khun grabbed him by both shoulds, staring directly into his eyes.

"Bam. You will be the singer in this group."

Come again....?

"Wha- why? I'm not good at it!"

"You're right, you're not good at it. You're amazing at it! Now I know you're not just a pretty face."

"Seriously. Stop."

The excited chatter of his group died down after hearing his tone.

"I don't need this. I don't need your fake praise. I know my voice is horrible. I knew I should've worked alone."

Snatching up his belongings, Bam darted from the music room, leaving behind a class full of stunned students.

"What.... just happened?"

Shibisu was the first to break the silence.

The rest of the class erupted in a sea of whispers before Khun sighed, earning the attention of his friends.

"That song.... is about heartbreak, betrayal and loss. He said the words really resonated with him. I can only assume it's something to do with that...."

"Hmph. Looks like he'll be hard work."

Hatz sharp comment pierced the tense atmosphere.

"We'll leave this one up to you, Khun."

Shibisu patted Khuns shoulder, assigning responsibility.

"Sure, I'll do my best."

"Oh God... why did I do that!?"

Bam was currently standing in front of his bathroom mirror, reflecting on his actions.

"I think they might have been genuinely nice people. They were just happy for me but..... urgh Rachel."

Even though he tried to escape his past, the words thrown at him by the one he loved most in the world kept resurfacing.

He knew her words were poison.

He knew they were said out of spite. Out of jealousy.

Yet, because they came from her, he couldn't shake them off.

"Bam, what the hell was that?!"

"Huh? I thought I would sing for you this time, you always sing for me."

Bam smiled warmly at the girl lying next to him.

"Why. Why would you do that? Its disgusting. Your voice is disgusting."

"But... the music teaches and Ha-san said they like my voice, that I have talent...."

"And you would believe them over me? Don't forget I'm the one who's known you the longest. They're just showing pity for the poor orphan boy."

By this point, Rachel was towering over Bam, spitting out her venomous words whilst he cowered on the floor.

"You're not special Bam! You're not! I'm the one that's special is me! Stop trying to take that away from me!"

She continued her vicious rant until her voice was hoarse and Bam was just empty, lifeless shell lying on the floor.

After that Bam was shunned by everyone. Rachel was by no means a charismatic leader but, somehow, she made people listen to her. She poisoned their minds.

"Stop. You know nothing she said was true. You know that... so why...."

Talking to himself in the mirror was becoming a common occurrence.

Everytime her words threaten to drown him, Bam could only rely on himself.

He knew he had reacted unreasonably to the praise of his classmates but it was a knee jerk reaction.

Sighing to himself he retreated to his bedroom, burrowing deep into his blankets, he forced himself into sleep.

Urgh... I slept too much... I feel like crap.

The sound of his phone alarm rang out.

He reached out, his arm appearing from beneath the mound of blankets, grabbing his phone to silence it.

I don't want to go to class today.

Remembering his reaction from the previous day led Bam to grow more anxious about attending the University.

At least everyone will leave me alone now.

He tried to comfort himself with that thought. But the happy, mischievous grin of a certain blue eyed boy popped into his mind.

For the first time since Rachel, Bam had found someone he was close to considering a possible friend.

His chest felt hollow as he thought that the cheeky grin he had only seen a handful of times would suddenly disappear.

It would no longer be directed at him.


Frustrated with himself, he threw the covers of his bed and crawled into the bathroom to get ready for his class.

After getting dressed and picking up his belongings, he put on his headphones and felt a calmness wash over him as he heard the melodic tones of A.A whispering into his ear.

I fall in love him every time I hear his voice.

With some confidence restored, Bam departed his apartment and slowly made his journey to the campus.

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