Chapter Six

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I managed to get here first...

Bam was glad that he had decided to leave early that day. He wanted to be the first one in to avoid all of the unpleasant eyes that would no doubt be staring at him.

Letting himself into the classroom, he headed straight for a seat in the back corner.

Sinking down into the chair he wondered why he had even bothered to show up.

All we are doing at the moment is working in groups... but I don't have a group to work with...

He crossed his arms on the desk in front of him and lay his head, face down onto his arms.

It wasn't long before other students started appearing.

Every time he heard the door open, he would sneak a peek at who was entering, his heartbeat speeding up every time he looked only to be left with disappointment and relief when a nameless student walked in.

Then three of them turned up together.

Rak, Shibisu and Hatz. Bam quickly hid his face as they entered and took a seat on the other side of the room.

The disappointment and relief swirled in his stomach.

He had noticed that no one had sat near him or even looked at him as they came in.

Was that why he was disappointed?

He had a feeling that that wasn't quite right.

Bam had made a mental note that Khun was now the only student who hadn't arrived.

He started to feel restless and his foot started bouncing on the floor.

The next click of the door, Bam's heart was practically pounding as he tried to steal a glance at who had entered.

"Khun! You're late!"

"Yeah whatever, I was on a call about the gig next week."

Bam hid his face immediately upon hearing Khuns voice.

A hollow empty feeling overwhelmed him.

Of course.

He already has friends.

He doesn't need someone like me.

His dark thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a chair being pulling out in front of him.

Bam froze.

He didn't want to know who was there or how they would ridicule him.

"Yo, what are you doing all the way over here? Our group is over there."

Bam felt a shiver run down his spine and the goosbumps prickle on his arms.

He sounds really familiar.... why....

Lifting his face, Bam recognised Khun in front of him though he thought it would be someone else completely.

Khun blinked at him.

"What's wrong, did I wake you up?"

"Um..... no..... I thought you were someone else...."

"Hmmmm.... well, whatever. Why are you over here?"

Khun glossed over Bams confusion.

"Why? Because....."

What do I say.... that I'm not in his group because I'm a worthless idiot? Because surely they all hate me and want nothing to do with such a troublesome guy after yesterday?

"The guys didn't even notice you when they walked in, but they can be pretty stupid. I spotted you straight away."


Somebody noticed me.

A warm fuzziness came over him as he tried to hide his smile.

"I told them to stay there though, I wanted to talk to you first. About yesterday."

The smile threatening to make an appearance quickly disappeared.

"That was... ah.... it, um....."

"You don't need to tell me anything you don't want to Bam. But we really do want you to be part of our group."


Khun could tell that Bam was still wavering.

He reached out a hand and grasped onto one of Bams that were fidgeting.

"I want you to be part of our group. I want to get to know you better."

Easily flustered, Bam wasn't used to this sort of interaction.

"So? What do you say? If you don't want to sing then you don't have to, we'll find another singer but we still want you to be on guitar."

Bam was overwhelmed.

Far from the rejection and ridicule he had imagined from the one person he had thought he could learn to trust, here they were, comforting him and convincing him to try again.

Really, what is wrong with me.

Laughing at his own foolishness, Bam squeezed the warm, comforting hand placed in his own.

I came here to chase my dream of playing music so why am I throwing away these opportunities.

"Fine. You win. I'll join the group."

Khuns face lit up with excitement.

"Yes! Now we just need to find a singer."

"I'll do it. I'll sing."

Blue Eyes - Khun X Bam Tower Of GodWhere stories live. Discover now