Chapter Sixteen

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The rest of the week went smoothly.

Rehearsals were fun, Khun and Bam seemed to constantly flirt in front of the heckling band members.

Constant shouts of "Get a room!" Etc filled the studio room.

Bam knew exactly what Khun wanted to speak about on the weekend but he had already decided to get in there first.

He was both excited and terrified at the same time and these emotions only grew as the week went on.

Every day he was asked about the lyrics and he gave the same excuse of them not being quite ready yet, even when Khun asked if he needed help.

The week rolled by both quickly and slowly. Each day seemed to zip by but the nights felt so long, until the dreaded day had finally arrived.

Bam was a bundle of nerves.

In his anxiety he had reached the University far too early, with nothing else to do he wandered to the lecture hall they would be using to find a seat and hide.

Taking a seat at the back, he hid his face in his arms.

He was starting to regret his decision.

Is it too late to change the song?

"Ha, this reminds me of the day we dragged you into our group."

"You say we, Khun, but it was you that did all the dragging."

Raising his head, Bam was faced with the other members of his group.

His eyes caught Khun's and he immediately looked away out of embarrasment.

"Bam.... please tell me that the lyrics are done."

Khun took the awkward glance as being fear.

"Oh, um.... no the lyrics are ready."

"Ooooh, let us see them!"

Shibisu jumped into the conversation.

Bam hadn't accounted for this request.

"Ah, no... I would rather just sing them when we play."

He shuffled uncomfortably, averting his gaze from his friends.

"Whyyyy? What's wrong with them?"

Shibisu moaned at the refusal.

Khun seemed to somewhat grasp the situation.

"Stop it Shibisu, I don't underatand why but if that's what Bam wants then we'll have to wait."

Bam was thankful for Khun's input, though he could tell that Khun was just as curious.

The group of five then settled into comfortable conversation.

"So, are you excited about tonight, Bam?"


Bam's confused expression told Khun all he needed to know.

"I can't believe you've forgotten..."

Forgotten... oh!

With the excitement of his love confession, Bam had completely forgotten that tonight he was going to see his favourite group, The Regulars with the band members.

"Oh! That! I hadn't forgotten, I'm really excited!"

Trying to play down his slip up, Bam genuinely did start getting worked up at the idea of seeing them.

"Haha, I'm glad. Well, the four of us have some stuff to do beforehand so we'll meet you inside the venue."

"Khun, we need to be out of here by four right?"

"Yeah, this session should only be going on until 3.30 so we should have plenty of time."

"Is it band stuff?"

Bam interrupted Khun and Shibisu's conversation, nothing at all to do with the jealousy of not knowing what was going on.

"Yeah, something like that."

"You'll find out soon enough anyway."

Shibisu snickered in the background.

Before Bam had chance to ask what he meant, the lecturer entered the hall and called for silence.

"We have a lot of you to get through today, we'll get started straight away and then next week we will start actually studying what you came here for. First group, up you get."

The lecturers introduction was short but sweet, all the groups had been given a number in which turn they had to play.

Bam's group was last.

This only added to Bam's nerves as it meant he had longer to wait.

As group after group headed up on stage, Bam only felt his nerves growing.

He didn't notice the whispers next to him.

"Khun, this seems to be taking much longer than expected, are we going to be alright?"

"There isn't much we can do, looks like it will probably run over by half an hour which means we have to be out of here straight away."

All the members of the group were clock watching, all stressing about something different, until finally.

"Looks like we've overrun some, last group, come on up."

The lecturer called for the final group.

Bam's heart was practically beating out of his chest.

"Come on, Bam."

Khun held out his hand to help Bam up.

Taking a deep breath, Bam great fully accepted that extended hand and rose to his feet.

It's time.

Authors note.

Dun dun duuunnnnn! We're almost there. Just a few more chapters until conclusion! Thanks for sticking with me and reading this far, I hope you are enjoying the story :) I also hope that you like the ending I have come up with*sweats profusely* I feel like this story gets a bit lazy at parts so I promise to do better next time!

Blue Eyes - Khun X Bam Tower Of GodWhere stories live. Discover now