Chapter Twenty Six

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Khun marched towards Bam as soon as he laid eyes on him.

As he walked, he pulled off the blonde wig revealing a mess of blue hair, tied at the back.

His expression was void as he grabbed ahold of Bam's hand, pulling him from the sofa and dragging him to his dressing room.

All the while the other members of the group were wolf whistling and throwing suggestive comments.

"Don't be too loud, the walls are thin here."

"Hey don't say that, my room is next door to theirs!"

Khun slammed the door shut and pushed Bam further into the room.


His exclamation fell into silence as the two young men stood in the small dressing room, staring at each other.

"Bam, do you have any idea the hell I've been through since hearing your song earlier."


"You can't just spring that sort of thing on me. You had me worried all week about the lyrics and then they were perfect and not to mention what they were about!"

Khun was ranting without taking a breath as he closed the distance between him and Bam.

He came to a stop just inches away from Bam's face.

"Do you have any idea how much I've wanted to do this since then..."

Khun grasped Bam's collar and pulled the startled boy in closer landing his lips on his.

With no time to think, Bam sank into the kiss on instinct as his mind blanked. Any annoyance and frustration he had felt towards Khun disappeared as his hands searched for the other boys waist.

Having to break for air, Khun pulled away first and rested his head on Bam's shoulder.

"And we won't even talk about how you stole my idea and did it first."

Bam's eyes widened as if the kiss wasn't shocking enough.

"You mean... that new song?"

"Of course I mean that new song. How did you not guess? I mean it's called Golden!"

Khun lifted his face to lock eyes with Bam.

"Just like your eyes."

He lifted a hand to Bam's face and he responded by nestling his face into Khun's hand.

"Anyway, Khun-san. When were you going to tell me that the band you guys are in is The Regulars."

Bam, still leaning into Khun's touch, accused him.

"You know, Bam, your hair looks really good like that, maybe you should grow it out a bit."

Khun moved his hand to play with the ponytail in Bam's wig.

"Don't change the subject."

"Damn.... well, when I first met you the thought never even crossed my mind that I would end up telling you at some point."

Khun moved away from Bam and took a seat on a small sofa that was hidden in the room.

He patted the seat next to him for Bam to join him.

"I genuinely just thought you were a cute face and I wanted to get to know you, but my situation makes it a bit difficult to trust others."

Bam blushed slightly, unsure as to whether to be happy at that statement.

"But when I heard you sing.... I knew I wanted you in the band and, well, that's when I fell in love with you."

This time Bam couldn't stop the smile as his cheeks flushed.

"It all went from there. I made up this plan and this is where we are. I had to leave the plan to the last minute because I needed to make sure you wouldn't cause us problems down the line."


Khun smirked.

"Well, you know, you were such a big A.A fan, I needed to make sure you were genuine and wouldn't betray us. You were fangirling so hard when we first spoke about the band."

Khun chuckled as Bam cringed, just now realising that he had told Khun that A.A was his celebrity crush.

Khun raised a hand to stroke Bams hair as he hid behind his hands.

"It was quite flattering finding out I'm your celebrity crush."



"I knew our relationship was changing but I was still unsure. I thought I might be able to trust you and tell you who I was but I still wasn't sure. But then, that song today.... it made up my mind. Though it seems the others had all predicted it would end up like this."

Bam's hands dropped to his lap but his eyes were still cast down.

"I normally write the songs so it was a shock to hear one written about me. You really played a number on me. They even confiscated my phone so I couldn't contact you."

"Khun-san, is all that really true? You're not lying to me or playing a trick?"

Bam's old scars had resurfaced. He was scared.

"Of course it's true."

"You... you're not just trying to use me?"

Khun turned to face Bam and cupped his cheeks.

"Bam, you really do drive me crazy. Did you not listen to the lyrics of my new song? That was the first time I ever wrote a song for someone I truly fell in love with."


Bam's eyes started to sparkle as the tears threatened to spill.

Finally, someone was ready to accept him.

Khun was still cupping Bam's face as he used his thumbs to wipe away the tears that started to spill.

"So Bam, what do you say to being the new member of The Regulars?"

Bam nodded, unable to speak for the threat of his emotions overwhelming him.

"And what do you say to being my boyfriend?"

Another hastened nod followed by Khun leaning in to seal the deal with another, soft kiss.

The kiss seemed to calm Bam down and the tears were no longer present, just a happy, smiling, blushing boy with golden eyes.

Khun smiled in return though it quickly turned mischievous.

"So Bam, Endorsi told me you bought a poster of A.A, want me to sign it for you?"

Bams blush turned to a beetroot red as Khun smiled.


"I don't know how I should feel knowing you're going to have a giant poster of me on your bedroom wall."


Bam begged the cackling Khun to stop his teasing.

Endorsi was right.

He really is the devil.

Authors note

And we are finally done! Yaaay! I have to say I really enjoyed writing the parts of the story at the concert, I think they went really well. Up to when he got dragged backstage anyway!
I hope you guys enjoyed the story!
Let me know what you think by voting and commenting :) I love to talk about this ship. They've honestly taken over my life.

Anyway. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you on the next one!

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