Birthday Special!

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*Pop* "Happy birthday Emi and Aymes!!!" The door to the agency flew open as Emi was destroying me at chess.

"Jesus?!" We exclaimed in surprise.

"Nope. Wrong fanfiction," Ranpo stated as Doppo put a cake down at a desk.


"Okay, everyone, now that I'm over the initial surprise and we've had our cake, we're gonna get into the events for this special chapter."

"Which is a Q&A!" Emi revealed with a pointed finger. "And Aymes forgot to announce it, so she's just gonna answer some questions that we all come up with in a few moments."

*Sigh* "Thank you, Emi. Before we get into it though, I completely forgot about Doppo's birthday a while back. I didn't find out about it until the day after when I was scrolling through social media on the family computer. So, happy belated birthday, Doppo. And without further ado, let's get to the questions."

"Alright, this first question is from Emi," Doppo stated.

"Where does my name come from?" She asked.

"It's actually just a little bit of a different spelling of my name, Amy. My name here on Wattpad though is just a nickname from Junior High. Anyways, for 'Emi' I thought of how my name would be pronounced in Japanese, 'Eimi,' and I took out the first 'i'."

"Not really creative, huh?" Emi sweatdropped.

"Would you rather have a name that took hours for me to think of? Or perhaps a really common name?" I asked with a bit of an irk mark.

"I'm good."

"My turn!" Dazai announced. "How old are you now?"

"18, so same age as Emi and it's my golden birthday. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's just turning the same age as the date you were born on. I don't know if this is just an American thing, or what, since I don't travel much. Seriously, the farthest I've gone from the town I'm living in now that I actually remember was some city on the border of Iowa and Illinois for a Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown, and a few other band's concert, unless C2E2 in Chicago was farther than that... I don't know."

"In that case," Dazai kneeled I from of me and grabbed my hands. "Would you please strangle me with your beautiful hands?"

"I don't think you want paint on your neck. And that's a 'no' even if my hands didn't have paint on them."

"Why do you have paint on your hands?"

"Oh, no reason. I just stuck my hands on some wet paint," I said with sarcasm lacing my voice.

"So that's where I get my sarcasm from..." Emi muttered.

"Yep. And I finished a painting of some dragons on my wall earlier. Next question."

"What do you do when you aren't working on a book?" Tanizaki inquired with Naomi clinging to his side, as usual.

"Uh..." I looked to the side.

"She lays on her bed all day, reading, watching YouTube, or just playing some games. Honestly, she's lazier than Katai," Ranpo answered.

"Wha-" I shut my mouth in defeat. "Fine. I admit. But, I have been working on a new idea for a book."

"What's that?" Emi asked.

"My very first crossover," I said with a bit of a bigger smile. "I've seen a ton of Bungou Stray Dogs and My Hero Academia crossovers, but I've only read like 2, to be honest. All I'm gonna say, is that you're a few years younger and I'm showing how you were disliked in school somewhat."


"Alright, I have a question," Doppo spoke. "Will any of Emi's former classmates make an appearance soon?"

I got a bit of a mischievous smile. "Yep. I told my dear readers that after the Dark Ages arc there would be an extra chapter, which is turning into two chapters, maybe even three."

"It better not have who I think it will..." Emi have me a glare.

"Oh, it probably will," I gave a smug face.

"You're dead."

"Okay, guys, that's all for the special! I'm gonna run home before I die! Bye-bye!"

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