"You two are dismissed. If you go outside then be back in your room by nightfall."
Akutagawa walked back the way we came this morning while I decided to head outside, taking the way Chuuya and I had gone earlier. When I got outside, I noticed that it was only around one and I started heading toward the nearby park. Upon arriving, I instantly spotted a tree with a bunch of birds.
"Hello, every bird," I said. Most of them flew away, but one white crow stayed. "Hey, Shiro, I didn't know you visited this part of Yokohama," I greeted as I held my hands out to her.
She flew down and landed in my hands. "Hey, there, Emi! I was actually just tree hunting today. The humans over at the other park cut down my tree," she said while looking a bit sad at the end.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"No worries, I'm thinking of making a nest here," she brightened up a bit.
"Well, that'll be nice," I said with a smile.
"Yeah, and I heard that you left home. What's that all about?" she asked, tilting her small head.
"Oh, I just joined the Port Mafia," I said quietly, so no one could have any chance of hearing.
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! That's why Doppo was looking so troubled earlier!"
"Yeah... Tell him not to worry and he does. *Sigh* Are you going to be around tomorrow?"
"Yeah, why? Want me to deliver something to him?"
"If you could."
"Of course! That's what friends are for!"
"Thanks, Shiro. I'll give you a note to let him know that I'm fine. But if I can't come tomorrow, is there any way that you could do it another day?"
"Yes, of course!" she exclaimed while puffing out her chest and lifting her head in pride.
"Thank you. I better get back now. I'll see you soon," I said with a bit more of a smile and a little scratch to her chest.
"No problem! Anything for my best friend!" she proudly said before flying back into the tree and waving me goodbye with her wing.
I returned the gesture and headed back, despite having a few more hours until it got dark. I took the same route I had used earlier before getting to the warehouse room and using the same way that Akutagawa had used.
"So, the little kitten made her way back," Akutagawa said after I shut the door.
"This little kitten doesn't get lost easily," I replied as I hung my coat on the coat rack before sitting on my bed and grabbing my bag. I fished out one of my notebooks and a mechanical pencil, but when I was about to start writing, I felt a small sharp pain and remembered the scratches that I had gotten. I then got up with a sigh and went into the bathroom before shutting the door and looking around for some sort of bandages. Of course, there weren't any. I thought of an animal to change into for a moment before one came to mind. I turned on the faucet and plugged the tub before undressing and getting into the tub. After the water was at the right cool temperature, I changed into an Axolotl. They have amazing healing powers, so I usually change into one when I need to heal.
I sat under the water for a while until it didn't feel like I had any more cuts, then I transformed back. I looked over my body and found that the only things really left were the bad bruises, which were healed anyway. I got out of the shower and dried off before putting my clothes back on. When I exited the bathroom, Akutagawa gave me a bit of a leer, which I just ignored and grabbed my stuff again before sitting on my bed. I thought about what to write for a few minutes before finally figuring out how to word it.
Kunikida's little sister
Fanfiction~Discontinued. Being rewritten under "The Younger Kunikida"~ Emi Kunikida is a highly intelligent 17-year old who graduated school early and is now working with her brother, Doppo Kunikida, at The Armed Detective Agency. ~disclaimer I don't own bung...