Chapter 1

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Jyugo POV

After my encounter with Elf, I can't stop thinking about what he said. He is looking for someone else to experiment on. He is looking to destroy someone else's life, just like he destroyed mine and Musashi's. I have to do something, I can't just let him take what he wants. Maybe if I leave, everyone would be safe, no, I know they will. Elf said something about me using the shackles for them, so they obviously want something from me, but what? I am worried and I think the others have picked up on that as they question me about it. I can't tell them, I can't let my family worry more about me. I...I'm gonna escape, and this time is for real. I know I'm gonna break their hearts, but this is the best way to keep them safe. The least I can do is leave a letter for them to read after I escape.

Later that evening

Me and the others make our way to the last gate. As I unlock it I can see Hajime standing in front of us. The others suggest going back, but I lock the gate and walk forward ready to unleash my blades and escape.

While fighting Hajime I could hear Seitarou setting Uno and the others free and they lounge at me and Hajime in order to stop us from fighting. And that's when I heard it. That wicked voice. Elf.

Elf: Well, well, well! This is such a surprise Jyugo! I did not expect you would try to escape so fast, but, as always, you give me a whole lot to work with, not that I mind of course!

'No. Not him. Not now.' I look at Elf in fear, a thing that everyone seems to notice.

Uno: Jyugo! Who is that guy?

Hajime: Now who the hell are you? I know for a fact you are not from this building and I doubt you are either a guard or an inmate.

Elf: OH! You didn't tell your friends about me? How sad! I thought you would have told them about my last visit, but again, why would I have such high expectations of a filthy lab rat like you?!

Nico: Lab rat?

Hajime: So you were the one that experimented on number 15 weren't you! You damn bastard!

Rock: Wait! Experiment? Jyugo, what is Hajime talking about?

Elf: I see you have quite annoying friends. Well, I sure wouldn't mind killing them!

Hajime: You really think you can beat me? Show me what you've got!

'NO!' I watch in terror as Elf gets behind Hajime in mere seconds and stabs him. He then throws a knife at Seitarou impaling his right hand. Hajime falls to the ground in pain holding his wound. 'This is not like Hajime! He can withstand way worse! The knife must have been poisoned.' Elf stares hungrily at my cellmates taking out more knives. I have to do something.

Jyugo: Leave them alone! I am the one you want, aren't I? Last time you said that you want me for something didn't you? Leave them alone and I will come with you. Willingly. Just leave them alone and give Hajime something for the poison that was on the knife.

Elf: Oh? What is this? You really grew to like these people, haven't you? I suppose it would be easier for us if you were to come back on your I agree with your terms.

Elf drops the knives and throws a bright-colored vile to Hajime. He gets behind me and grabs my hair roughly.

Elf(whispering): If you even think of escaping rest assured that I will kill all of them.

As he says that the shadows around begin to grab me and Elf, pulling us away. I look forward and see my friends trying to reach for me, but all I do is cry and smile slightly at the fact that they would be safe. 

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