Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I woke up to a Tasi asleep on the hard wood floor.  So being a good wife I try to get him off the floor and on to our bed. But the bugger too heavy.

“wakey wakey” I sing into Tasi’s ear

He groans not wanting to be woken up

“babe wake up” I repeat myself

Tasi slowly lifts his head and looks at me sitting down on the floor next to him.

I watch him as he half smiles at me and his head drops back to the floor. I lean back down and place a kiss on his cheek but then I smell something different, I smell perfume on his shirt and i notice what looks like a trail of hickey's down behind his ear towards his chest.

“Tasi get up” I yell at him and get up and sit on the edge of the bed.

Tasi jumps up at my scream with worry in his eyes. I move around to the other side of our bed pulling out his suitcase to get him some clothes ready for a shower. I don’t wanna be making conclusions right now but its so hard when you actually come home with evidence.  I may have been a virgin when I married Tasi but that does not mean I never had a boyfriend before and to say the least I think I do know what a hickey looks like. 

Tasi wipes his sleepy eyes and I can feel him staring at me but I don’t bother to turn around.

I feel the bed dip and I feel his presence behind me. he hugs me “morning baby, I came back last night and you were already asleep” Tasi says snuggling into the crook of my neck

I don’t say anything I keep on looking for his clothes.

“babe, whats wrong” Tasi says using his tongue and drawing circles on my neck.

I get up off the bed and out of his hug and walk away.  He just sits there and stares at me and I can see he is annoyed but I’m not gonna wait til he has a shower because i am not about to have a screaming match with him right now about this. .

“Go take a shower Tasi you stink” I say with no emotion

Tasi POV

Dang man … this girl and her attitude really starting to piss me off.  I go out one night, just one night and she cant even give me some love.

Ofa goes out the door and I groan and grab my towel she had laid out on the bed.  Ok I’m not gonna push it cos she not in the mood for anything right now.

I take a shower and when I get back she has breakfast ready.  I stop in my tracks to notice she starting eating without me.  I cant believe she would eat and not wait for me.  I’m sure I didn’t take more than 10mins in the shower. Ofa doesn’t look at me but continues to eat her eggs on toast. 

I stomp my feet up the stairs to show her I am not happy with her eating before me. I go into the room and get changed. When I get out she’s not there and I check my breakfast and the ants got to it before me. now I’m fuming.

Ofa comes back into the room as I lay on the bed checking my phone.

“where did you go?” I ask her in an angry tone

“for a walk” Ofa replies bluntly

“wheres my breakfast” I ask her as I watch her walk around in our room.

“on the table where I left it” Ofa replies harshly

I get up off the bed I stalk over to her.

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