|'Chapter 5'|

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Blue Point of View.

People glance and talk between eachother as I sit by myself during lunch.  I notice how Bella sits at a table with her friends.

What a surprise.  She is friends with that girl named Jessica. 

I take out a magazine that I keep in my bag about hairstyles.  These look extremely cute.

"You still want to be a hairstylist?"  Bella ask me and I just look at her.

She is sitting directly across from me.

"Your joking, right?"

"I know and I'm sorry.  Of course we are sisters.  It is just, I just got Edward back."  Isabella tells me and I roll my eyes.

"You decided that you want a boy who put you through alot a pain to always be in your life and dump me for good.  Your excuse for it, is pathetic.  I thought I could come here and get my sister back.  No!  All you want is a boy who left you for no reason at all."

Isabella starts getting upset with me.

"That isn't true!  He did have a good reason!"  Isabella snaps at me.

"Did you just snap at me?"

Isabella and I both start an arguement that makes the entire cafeteria go quiet.  No one says anything else as we continue to yell at eachother. 

At this point, we are both standing out of our chairs.  Both of our palms are on the table flat. 

Eventually, the both of us move around the table.  Edward walks over and stands between us.  The both of us pay no mind as our voices go high and low. 

"Well, guess what Isabella.  This is life!  Stop acting as if this one boy can turn it around into something more."

"Edward is perfect!  You know nothing about him!"  Isabella says to me getting in my face.  Her cheeks are red and her eyes are wild.

"Your right, I don't know him.  But from how you are acting now and before, I know he shouldn't be in your life."

Isabella shakes her head and swings her arm at me.  I knew what she was going to do and grab her arm.

She looks shocked and I hear gasp around us.  My hand doesn't move its grip and I continue to stare at her eyes.

"You don't put your hands on me.  You should feel grateful that I even care enough about you anymore.  I am your sister and you tell me that we shouldn't be in eachothers lives.  Edward leaves you and breaks you and hurts you and makes you cry.  You talk about him as if he saved your life.  I hope you learn fast Isabella.  You are going to learn why losing family hurts especially sisters."

Then I let her go and grab my things.

"Wait."  Edward says to me but I shake my head.

The bell rings and I walk.  The crowd parts and let me walk away.  I came to Forks hoping for the best and to work things out.  Isabella just made a huge mistake especially for that boy!

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